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Department Administration | Faculty | Staff | Emeritus

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Stan Ahalt

Stan Ahalt


Dean, School of Data Science and Society | 919-445-9641

(82) Ph.D. 1986, Clemson. Signal, image, and video processing; high-performance scientific and industrial computing; pattern recognition applied to national security problems; high-productivity, domain specific languages.

Jay Aikat

Jay Aikat

Vice Dean, School of Data Science and Society

Research Professor

314 Brooks Building | 919-590-6178

(126) Ph.D. 2010, UNC-Chapel Hill. Experimental methods and models in networking research and education; measurement and modeling of Internet traffic, protocol benchmarking; Internet traffic generation, wireless networks, congestion control and active queue management; data science.

Reema Alsufyani

Reema Alsufyani

IT System Administrator

047 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6109
Staff Team: Computer Services
Ron Alterovitz

Ron Alterovitz

Lawrence Grossberg Distinguished Professor

Director of Graduate Admissions

254 Brooks Building | 919-590-6068

(99) Ph.D. 2006, UC Berkeley. Medical robotics; motion planning; physically-based simulation; assistive robotics; medical image analysis.

James Anderson

James Anderson

Kenan Distinguished Professor

Department Chair

316 Brooks Building | 919-590-6057

(62) Ph.D. 1990, Texas. Real-time systems; distributed and concurrent algorithms; multicore computing; operating systems.

Armani Anderson

Armani Anderson

Graduate Assistant for Student Experience

127 Sitterson Hall
Staff Team: External Relations
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Jaime Arguello

Adjunct Associate Professor

McColl Term Associate Professor, UNC School of Information and Library Science

Ph.D. 2011, Language Technologies, Carnegie Mellon. Information retrieval, aggregated search systems and evaluation, search behavior, text data mining, machine learning, task-based search, search assistance.

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Stephen Aylward

Adjunct Associate Professor

Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives, Kitware
Mohit Bansal

Mohit Bansal

John R. and Louise S. Parker Distinguished Professor

244 Brooks Building | 919-590-6042

(139) Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2013. Statistical natural language processing and machine learning, with a focus on multimodal, grounded, and embodied semantics (i.e., language with vision and speech, for robotics), human-like language generation and Q&A/dialogue, and interpretable and structured deep learning.

Ben Berg

Benjamin Berg

Assistant Professor

336 Brooks Building | 919-590-6012

(178) Ph.D. 2022, Carnegie Mellon. Performance modeling, scheduling, resource allocation, caching.

Tamara Berg

Tamara L. Berg

Adjunct Associate Professor

Research Scientist Manager, Facebook AI

(133) Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2007. Computer vision, natural language processing, integrating information from words & pictures, visual recognition & retrieval, visual social media and socio-identity, human-in-the loop recognition, gaze pattern analysis, image description generation, clothing recognition.

Gedas Bertasius

Gedas Bertasius

Assistant Professor

256 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6058

(170) Ph.D. 2019, Pennsylvania. Video understanding, first-person vision, human behavior modeling, multi-modal deep learning, transfer learning.

Gary Bishop

Gary Bishop

Professor Emeritus

148 Sitterson Hall

Ph.D. 1984, UNC-Chapel Hill. Hardware and software for man-machine interaction; assistive technology; tracking technologies; 3D interactive computer graphics; virtual environments; image-based rendering.

Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

Kenan Distinguished Professor Emeritus (Deceased)

Department Founder

Ph.D. 1956, Harvard. 3D interactive computer graphics; human-computer interaction; virtual worlds; computer architecture; the design process.

Brandon Byrd

Brandon Byrd

Student Services Manager, Undergraduate Programs

140 Brooks Building | 919-590-6101
Staff Team: Student Services
Peter Calingaert in December 2023

Peter Calingaert

Professor Emeritus

Ph.D. 1955, Harvard.

Ashleigh Catlett

Ashleigh Catlett

Business Officer

104 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6002
Staff Team: Administration
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Ashley Centeno

Events Specialist

121 Sitterson Hall
Staff Team: External Relations
Samarjit Chakraborty

Samarjit Chakraborty

William R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor

350 Brooks Building | 919-590-6038

(148) Ph.D. 2003, ETH Zurich. Distributed embedded systems, hardware/software co-design, embedded control systems, low-power systems, energy storage systems, electromobility, and sensor network-based information processing.

Praneeth Chakravarthula

Assistant Professor

205 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6105

(175) Ph.D. 2021, UNC-Chapel Hill. Computational displays and imaging, holographic/3D displays, augmented and virtual reality, diffractive optics, artificial intelligence, human computer interaction.

Snigdha Chaturvedi

Associate Professor

236 Brooks Building | 919-590-6068

(158) Ph.D. 2016, Maryland. Natural language understanding, narrative understanding, social NLP, applications of ML and NLP

Tianlong Chen

Tianlong Chen

Assistant Professor

223 Sitterson Hall

Ph.D. 2023, Texas-Austin. Machine learning problems: sparsity, robustness, learning to optimize, graph learning, diffusion models; as well as interdisciplinary scientific challenges: bioengineering, quantum computing.

David Cowhig

David Cowhig

IT Manager

044 Sitterson Hall | ‪919-590-6035

MSIS 2016, UNC-Chapel Hill.

Staff Team: Computer Services
Tatyana Davis

Tatyana Davis

Business Operations Assistant

160 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6222
Staff Team: Administration

Prasun Dewan


150 Brooks Building | Virtual Office | 919-590-6123

(63) Ph.D. 1986, Wisconsin. User interfaces; distributed collaboration; software engineering environments; mobile computing; access control.

Parasara Sridhar Duggirala

Assistant Professor

312 Brooks Building | 919-445-6116

(144) Ph.D. Illinois, 2015. Cyber-Physical Systems, Formal Methods, Control Theory, Hybrid Systems, Autonomy, Embedded and Real-Time Systems, Probabilistic Systems.

Krisha Ellis

Krisha Ellis

Accounting Manager

105 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6053
Staff Team: Administration
Saba Eskandarian

Saba Eskandarian

Assistant Professor

346 Brooks Building | 919-590-6001

(171) Ph.D. 2021, Stanford. Applied cryptography, security, privacy.

Renée Everett

IT Analyst

046 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6219
Staff Team: Computer Services
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Danté Farrar

IT Specialist

043 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6236
Staff Team: Computer Services
Jan-Michael Frahm

Jan-Michael Frahm

Research Professor

(97) Ph.D. 2005, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany. Structure from motion; camera self-calibration; camera sensor systems; multi-camera systems; multi-view stereo; robust estimation; fast tracking of salient features in images and video; computer vision; active vision for model improvement; markerless augmented reality.

Henry Fuchs in his office in Brooks Building

Henry Fuchs

Federico Gil Distinguished Professor

216 Brooks Building | 919-590-6211

(11) Ph.D. 1975, Utah. Virtual environments; telepresence; future office environments; 3D medical imaging; computer vision and robotics.

Neil Gaikwad

Neil S. Gaikwad

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor, School of Data Science and Society

Ph.D. 2024, MIT. AI ethics, human-AI value alignment for societal decision-making, human-computer interaction, computational sustainability, AI policy & governance.

Sayeed Ghani

Sayeed Ghani

Teaching Associate Professor

144 Brooks Building | 919-590-6036

(179) Ph.D. 1990, Columbia. Applications of AI and deep learning in health/IoT and wireless sensor networks.

Prairie Rose Goodwin

Prairie Rose Goodwin

Teaching Assistant Professor

150 Sitterson Hall

Ph.D. 2017, N.C. State. Data modeling, real-time analytics, human-computer interaction.

David Gotz

David Gotz

Adjunct Associate Professor

Associate Professor, School of Information and Library Science

(151) Ph.D. 2005, UNC-Chapel Hill. Visualization and visual analytics, data analysis, data science, health informatics, machine learning.

Matthew Greeson

Matthew Greeson

Accounting Technician

104 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6040
Staff Team: Administration
Melissa Gunnell

Melissa Gunnell

Events and Outreach Coordinator | 919-590-6047
Staff Team: External Relations

John H. Halton

Professor Emeritus

Ph.D. 1960, Oxford, Sc.D. 2008, Cambridge.

Isabella Hinks

Isabella “Izzi” Hinks

Teaching Assistant Professor

149 Sitterson Hall

Ph.D. 2024, N.C. State.

Adrian Ilie

Adrian Ilie

Senior Research Scientist, Graphics | 919-590-6081
Staff Team: Research Support
Kevin Jeffay

Kevin Jeffay

Gillian Cell Distinguished Professor

326 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6238

(40) Ph.D. 1989, Washington. Computer networking; operating systems; real-time systems; multimedia networking; performance evaluation.

Stephanie Johnson smiling in a hallway

Stephanie Johnson

Director of Career Services

133 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6232
Staff Team: Career Development, External Relations

Kris Jordan

Professor of the Practice

134 Brooks Building | 919-590-6041

(140) M.S. 2008, Brown. Computer science education, educational technology, internet systems, entrepreneurship.

Tessa Joseph-Nicholas

Tessa Joseph-Nicholas

Teaching Professor

146 Brooks Building

(86) Ph.D. 2008, UNC-Chapel Hill. Internet cultures, technology ethics, digital arts and poetics.

Jasleen Kaur

Associate Professor

334 Brooks Building | 919-590-6066

(88) Ph.D. 2002, Texas-Austin. Design and analysis of networks and distributed systems; high-speed congestion-control, resource management, Internet measurements, and transport protocols.

Kurtis Keller

Research Associate and Engineer, AEL
Staff Team: Research Support
Denise Kenney

Denise Kenney

Student Services Manager, Graduate Programs

142 Brooks Building | 919-590-6200
Staff Team: Administration, Student Services

Ashok Krishnamurthy

Research Professor

Deputy Director, Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) | 919-590-6019

(137) Ph.D.1983, Florida. Data analytics with applications in healthcare and social science, high-end computing for modeling and simulation, advanced computational tools to improve industrial productivity through virtual product and process development, digital processing to extract information from images, audio and other signals.

Andrew Kwong

Andrew Kwong

Assistant Professor

340 Brooks Building

Ph.D. 2023, Michigan. Security and applied cryptography.

Erin Lane

External Relations Support

125 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6034
Staff Team: External Relations

Anselmo Lastra

Professor Emeritus

(52) Ph.D. 1988, Duke. Interactive 3D computer graphics; hardware architectures for computer graphics.

Harlin Lee

Harlin Lee

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor, School of Data Science and Society

Ph.D. 2021, Carnegie Mellon. Data science, machine learning, signal processing.

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Yun Li

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Professor, Departments of Biostatistics and Genetics | 919-843-2832
Ming Lin

Ming C. Lin

John R. & Louise S. Parker Distinguished Professor Emeritus

(72) Ph.D. 1993, California-Berkeley. Physically based and geometric modeling; applied computational geometry; robotics; distributed interactive simulation; virtual environments; algorithm analysis; many-core computing.

David Luebke

Research Professor

Vice President of Research, NVIDIA

(156) Ph.D. 1998, UNC-Chapel Hill. Computer graphics, display technology, ray tracing, virtual and augmented reality.

Alyssa Byrnes

Alyssa Lytle

Teaching Assistant Professor

136 Brooks Building

(182) Ph.D. 2022, UNC-Chapel Hill. Formal methods, human-robot interaction.

Gyula Mago

Gyula A. Mago

Professor Emeritus (Deceased)

Ph.D. 1970, Cambridge.

Jim Mahaney

Jim Mahaney

Director of Engineering & Research

214 Brooks Building | 919-590-6050
Staff Team: Facilities, Research Support
Dinesh Manocha

Dinesh Manocha

Research Professor

Ph.D. 1992, California-Berkeley.

Richard Marks

Richard Marks

Professor of the Practice

Professor, School of Data Science and Society

219 Sitterson Hall | 919-445-0806

Ph.D 1996, Stanford. Augmented and virtual reality, computer vision, signal processing, machine learning.

Steve Marron

Steve Marron

Adjunct Professor

Amos Hawley Distinguished Professor, Statistics and Operational Research

Ketan Mayer-Patel

Associate Professor

Director of Undergraduate Studies

154 Brooks Building | 919-590-6009

(80) Ph.D. 1999, UC Berkeley. Multimedia systems; networking; multicast applications.

Connor "Cece" McMahon

Connor “Cece” McMahon

Teaching Assistant Professor

152 Sitterson Hall

M.S. 2022, Berkeley. Computer science education.

Leonard McMillan

Leonard McMillan

Associate Professor

316 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6078

(87) Ph.D. 1997, UNC-Chapel Hill. Computational biology; genetics; genomics; bioinformatics; information visualization; data-driven modeling; image processing; imaging technologies; computer graphics.

Mikie Morrison

Mikie Morrison

Accounting Technician
Staff Team: Administration

Brent Munsell

Teaching Associate Professor

Associate Chair for Student Experience

112 Brooks Building

(159) Ph.D. 2009, South Carolina. Medical image analysis, shape modeling, brain connectivity, machine learning, and computational medicine.

Marc Niethammer

Marc Niethammer


250 Brooks Building | 919-590-6149

(98) Ph.D. 2004, Georgia Tech. Medical image analysis; shape analysis, image segmentation, deformable registration, image-based estimation methods.

Shahriar Nirjon

Shahriar Nirjon

Associate Professor

212 Brooks Building | 919-590-6039

(136) Ph.D. 2014, Virginia. Mobile Computing (OS, Services and Applications); Embedded Sensor Systems (Hardware-Software Co-Design, Wearables); Wireless Networks (Mobile, WSN, and other RF); Data Analytics for Mobile Systems (Mobile Health, IoT, and Cloud).

Junier Oliva

Junier Oliva

Associate Professor

258 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6158

(142) Ph.D. 2018, Carnegie Mellon. Machine learning, artificial intelligence, nonparametric statistics, deep learning, statistical data mining, signal processing, graphical models, generative models, kernel methods, scalability, complex datasets, optimization, density estimation.

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Beatriz Paniagua

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Assistant Director of Medical Computing, Kitware
Brett Piper

Brett Piper

Communication Specialist

Interim External Relations Manager | 919-590-6090
Staff Team: External Relations
Stephen M. Pizer

Stephen M. Pizer

Kenan Distinguished Professor

222 Sitterson Hall
pizer (at) | 919-590-6085

(6) Ph.D. 1967, Harvard. Image display and analysis; medical imaging; human and computer vision; graphics.

David A. Plaisted

Research Professor

351 Sitterson Hall

(28) Ph.D. 1976, Stanford. Mechanical theorem proving; term rewriting systems; logic programming; algorithms.

Don Porter

Donald Porter


344 Brooks Building | 919-590-6044

(138) Ph.D. 2010, Texas. Operating systems; virtualization; file systems; security; concurrent programming.

Raghav Pothukuchi

Raghavendra Pothukuchi

Assistant Professor, Beginning July 2025

William R. Kenan Jr. Fellow

Ph.D. 2020, Illinois. Computer architecture and systems, brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), quantum computing, brain-inspired AI hardware, cognitive modeling, formal control, energy and power efficiency, security, machine learning, datacenters and cloud, compilers.

Diane Pozefsky

Diane Pozefsky

Research Professor

(93) Ph.D. 1979, UNC-Chapel Hill. Software engineering and environments; computer education; serious games design and development; social, legal, and ethical issues concerning information technology.

Jan F. Prins

Professor Emeritus

Ph.D. 1987, Cornell. High performance computing: parallel algorithms, programming languages, compilers, and architectures; scientific computing with focus on computational biology and bioinformatics.

Timothy L. Quigg

Associate Chair Emeritus for Administration, Finance and Entrepreneurship

MPA. 1979, N.C. State.

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David Radoff

Research Computing System Administrator

045 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6015
Mike Reed

Mike Reed

Professor of the Practice

Engineering Director, Google Chapel Hill

(143) M.A. 1988, UNC-Chapel Hill. Computer graphics.

Michael Reiter

Michael K. Reiter

Research Professor

(95) Ph.D. 1993, Cornell. Computer and network security; distributed systems; applied cryptography.

Julian Rosenman

Julian Rosenman

Adjunct Professor

Professor, Radiation Oncology | 919-445-5438
Roni Sengupta

Roni Sengupta

Assistant Professor

255 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6030

(177) Ph.D. 2019, Maryland. Computer vision & graphics, computational photography, 3D vision, inverse graphics, inverse rendering, democratizing VFX, next-gen video communication & content creation.

Dawn Shafar

Accounting Technician

108 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6025
Staff Team: Administration
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Dinggang Shen

Adjunct Professor

Professor and Dean, School of BME, ShanghaiTech University


Richard "Rick" Shreve

Rick Shreve

Associate Chair for Finance and Administration

159 Sitterson Hall
Staff Team: Administration

Jorge Silva

Teaching Assistant Professor
Montek Singh

Montek Singh

Associate Professor

Associate Chair for Academic Affairs

234 Brooks Building | 919-590-6132

(84) Ph.D. 2002, Columbia. High-performance and low-power digital systems; asynchronous and mixed-timing circuits and systems; VLSI CAD tools; energy-efficient graphics hardware; applications to computer security; and emerging computing technologies

F. Don Smith

Research Professor

(42) Ph.D. 1978, UNC-Chapel Hill. Computer networks; operating systems; distributed systems; multimedia.

John B. Smith

John B. Smith

Professor Emeritus

Ph.D. 1970, UNC-Chapel Hill.

Jack Snoeyink

Jack Snoeyink


Professor, School of Data Science and Society

329 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6069

(79) Ph.D. 1990, Stanford. Computational geometry; algorithms for geographical information systems and structural biology; geometric modeling and computation; algorithms and data structures; theory of computation.

Shashank Srivastava

Shashank Srivastava

Assistant Professor

235 Sitterson Hall

(157) Ph.D. 2018, Carnegie Mellon. Topics in Natural Language Processing, AI, Machine Learning and their applications; focus on Language Grounding and pragmatics, Neuro-symbolic methods, Text analysis, Latent Variable Models

Donald F. Stanat

Professor Emeritus

Ph.D. 1966, Michigan.

Natalie Stanley

Natalie Stanley

Assistant Professor

305 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6018

(166) Ph.D. 2018, UNC-Chapel Hill. Single-cell bioinformatics; computational and systems immunology; developing algorithms for representing and understanding graph-based data.

Andrei State

Senior Research Scientist, Graphics | 919-590-6110
Staff Team: Research Support

David Stotts


324 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6133

(59) Ph.D. 1985, Virginia. Computer-supported cooperative work, especially collaborative user interfaces; software engineering, design patterns, and formal methods; hypermedia and web technology.

Cynthia Sturton

Cynthia Sturton

Associate Professor and Peter Thacher Grauer Scholar

354 Brooks Building | 919-590-6020

(132) Ph.D. 2013, UC Berkeley. Computer and hardware security; applied formal methods for software security.

Martin Styner

Martin Styner

Research Associate Professor

Associate Professor, Psychiatry

225 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6209

(94) Ph.D. 2001, UNC-Chapel Hill. Medical image processing and analysis including anatomical structure and tissue segmentation, morphometry using shape analysis, modeling and atlas building, as well as intra and inter-modality registration.

Kevin Sun

Kevin Sun

Teaching Assistant Professor

132 Brooks Building

Ph.D. Duke, 2022. Online algorithms, combinatorial optimization, computer science education.

Dan Szafir

Daniel Szafir

Associate Professor

Director of Graduate Studies

209 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6049

(172) Ph.D. 2015, Wisconsin. Human-robot interaction (HRI); human-computer interaction (HCI); virtual, augmented, and mixed reality (VR/AR/MR); user-centered design; human-centered computing (HCC); aerial robotics; robotic technologies for space exploration; human-robot coordination and collaboration; educational technologies; robotic technologies for manufacturing.

Danielle Szafir

Danielle Szafir

Associate Professor

246 Brooks Building | 919-590-6074

(173) Ph.D. 2015, Wisconsin. Visualization, data analytics, computer graphics, virtual and augmented reality.

Russell M. Taylor II

Russell M. Taylor II

Adjunct Research Professor

(69) Ph.D. 1994, UNC-Chapel Hill. 3D interactive computer graphics; virtual worlds; distributed computing; scientific visualization; human-computer interaction.

P.S. Thiagarajan

P.S. Thiagarajan

Research Professor

362 Sitterson Hall

Ph.D. 1973, Rice.

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Quoc Tran-Dinh

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and Operational Reasoning

Ph.D. 2012, Engineering, KU Leuven. Numerical optimization: theory and algorithms for convex optimization and non-convex continuous optimization.

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Alexander Tropsha

Adjunct Professor

K.H. Lee Distinguished Professor and Chair, Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products, School of Pharmacy

(111) Ph.D. 1986, Moscow State University, Russia.

Azubeze "Beze" Uzoma

Azubeze “Beze” Uzoma

Student Experience Manager

131 Sitterson Hall
Leandra Vicci

Leandra Vicci

Lecturer Emeritus (Deceased)

Retired Director of the Applied Engineering Laboratory

B.S. Physics, 1964, Antioch College.

Rosario Vila

Rosario Vila

Director of External Relations

120 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6151
Staff Team: External Relations
Soji Weeks

Soji Weeks

Accounting Technician
Staff Team: Administration

Stephen F. Weiss

Professor Emeritus

Ph.D. 1970, Cornell.

Gregory F. Welch

Adjunct Professor

Florida Hospital Endowed Chair in Healthcare Simulation, University of Central Florida

(71) Ph.D. 1996, UNC-Chapel Hill. Human motion tracking systems; 3D telepresence; projector-based graphics; computer vision and view synthesis; medical applications of computers.

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Turner Whitted

Adjunct Professor

Mary C. Whitton

Research Professor

(81) M.S. 1984, N.C. State. Developing and evaluating technology for virtual and augmented reality systems; virtual locomotion; tools for serious games.

William V. Wright

Research Professor Emeritus
Guorong Wu

Guorong Wu

Adjunct Associate Professor

Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry

(167) Ph.D. 2007, Shanghai Jiao Tong.

Huaxiu Yao

Huaxiu Yao

Assistant Professor

254 Sitterson Hall

Ph.D. 2021, Penn State.

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Pew-Thian Yap

Adjunct Associate Professor

Associate Professor, Department of Radiology

(164) Ph.D. University of Malaya (Malaysia).

Rafael Zaldivar

Rafael Zaldivar

Administrative Support Associate

154 Sitterson Hall | 919-590-6235
Staff Team: Administration
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Hongtu Zhu

Adjunct Professor

Professor, Department of Biostatistics

Ph.D. Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000.