Gary Bishop
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 1984, UNC-Chapel Hill. Hardware and software for man-machine interaction; assistive technology; tracking technologies; 3D interactive computer graphics; virtual environments; image-based rendering.
Gary Bishop is an emeritus professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research centers on the use of commodity computer technology to enable people with disabilities.
He graduated with highest honors from the Southern Technical Institute in Marietta, Ga., with a degree in Electrical Engineering Technology in 1976. After working in the electrical power industry as a COBOL programmer, he came to UNC-Chapel Hill in 1979 to pursue graduate studies. For his first two years as a graduate student, he managed the Department of Computer Science in what is now the job of Associate Chair for Finance. He completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1984. After working in industry at AT&T Bell Laboratories and Sun Microsystems, he joined the computer science faculty at UNC-Chapel Hill in 1991. His earlier research focused on hardware and software for human machine interaction, 3D graphics, motion tracking, virtual environments, and image-based rendering.
Bishop was one of the first four professors chosen to be a Faculty Engaged Scholar, named by the Carolina Center for Public Service and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Public Service to conduct projects that connect faculty work and community needs. He also received the Kauffman Entrepreneurial Fellowship.