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Undergraduate Program Overview

Major-specific advising questions should be sent to Messages sent to this address will be received by the entire team of faculty advisors listed below. This is generally the fastest and easiest way to get a question or concern addressed.

We also post drop-in and by-appointment hours on the calendar below (generally not available during the summer). Students are free to see whichever advisor they would like and are not assigned to a specific advisor.

If you have an issue that requires a Tar Heel Tracker adjustment, please use this form to bring it to the attention of our Student Services Manager(s): Tar Heel Tracker Adjustment Request Form

CS Faculty Advisers:

Saba Eskandarian

Alyssa Lytle

Ketan Mayer-Patel

Brent Munsell

David Stotts

Cynthia Sturton

Advising calendars

Walk in times (see calendar entry for appropriate contact info (i.e., Zoom, CourseCare, etc.))