Doctoral Dissertations
Following is a complete list of doctoral graduates of the Department of Computer Science, with their dissertation titles. Graduates of other departments or schools, whose primary adviser was a member of the Department of Computer Science, are also listed.
UNC Libraries began collecting our dissertations digitally, so more recent dissertations are available through the Libraries website and are not duplicated here. Please use this link to view more recent dissertations.
Advisors names are given in parentheses. Advisor affiliations are given if the advisor was not on the UNC Department of Computer Science faculty.
Clicking on the author’s name will take you to a separate page containing dissertation abstracts, where available.
UNC Libraries: Except where noted, all of the dissertations listed here are available from the libraries at UNC-Chapel Hill. Those from the most recent year will not immediately be available, however.
- Microfiche copies: Microforms Section of Davis Library (second floor)
- Bound copies: Brauer Library, Phillips Hall
- Non-circulating copies: North Carolina Collection, Wilson Library
Ph.D. Graduates
Abram, Gregory D. (1986)
“Parallel Image Generation with Anti-Aliasing and Texturing”
(Henry Fuchs)
Ackerman, Jeremy D. (2002)
“Application of Augmented Reality to Laparoscopic Surgery”
(Henry Fuchs)
Ackermann Jr., Arthur F. (1972)
“Toward A Programming Language for Writing and Checking Mathematical Discourses”
(Donald F. Stanat)
Ahn, Ilsoo (1986)
“Performance Modeling and Access Methods for Temporal Database Management Systems”
(Richard T. Snodgrass)
Ahuja, Vijay (1976)
“Exposure of Routed Networks to Deadlock”
(Victor L. Wallace)
Aikat, Jay (2010)
“An Investigation of the Effects of Modeling Application Workloads and Path Characteristics on Network Performance”
(Kevin Jeffay)
Airey, John M. (1990)
“Increasing Update Rates in the Building Walkthrough System with Automatic Model-Space Subdivision and Potentially Visible Set Calculations”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Alexander, Geoffrey D. (1995)
“Proving First-Order Equality Theorems with Hyper-Linking”
(David A. Plaisted)
Aliaga, Daniel G. (1999)
“Automatically Reducing and Bounding Geometric Complexity by Using Images”
(Anselmo A. Lastra)
Allen, Bonnie Danette (2007)
“Hardware Design Optimization for Human Motion Tracking Systems”
(Greg Welch)
Amburn, Elton P. (1994)
“Development and Evaluation of an Air-to-Air Combat Debriefing System Using a Head-Mounted Display”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Ammirato, Philip (2019)
“Recognizing Fine-Grained Object Instances for Robotics Applications”
(Alex Berg)
Antani, Lakulish (2013)
“Interactive Sound Propogation Using Precomputation and Statistical Approximations”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Arthur, Kevin (2000)
“Effects of Field of View on Performance with Head-Mounted Displays”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Austin Jr., Joseph H. (1973)
“Formal Models of Binding Processes in Control Programs”
(Victor L. Wallace)
Aylward, Stephen R. (1997)
“Continuous Mixture Modeling via Goodness-of-Fit Cores”
(James M. Coggins)
Azuma, Ronald T. (1995)
“Predictive Tracking for Augmented Reality”
(Gary Bishop)
Babich, Wayne A. (1977)
“High Level Data Flow Analysis Using a Parse Tree Representation of the Program”
(Medhi Jazayeri)
Bajura, Michael A. (1997)
“Merging Real and Virtual Environments with Video See-Through Head-Mounted Displays”
(Henry Fuchs)
Bandyopadhyay, Deepak (2006)
“A Geometric Framework for Robust Neighbor Analysis of Protein Structure and Function”
(Jack Snoeyink)
Banks, David C. (1993)
“Interacting with Surfaces in Four Dimensions Using Computer Graphics”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Bapat, Akash (2019)
“Towards High-Frequency Tracking and Fast Edge-Aware Optimization”
(Jan Michael-Frahm)
Bartel, Jacob (2015)
“Predictions to Ease User’s Effort in Scalable Sharing
(Prasun Dewan)
Bastos, Rui (1999)
“Superposition Rendering: Increased Realism for Interactive Walkthrough”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Baxter, William V. III (2004)
“Physically-based Modeling Techniques for Interactive Digital Painting”
(Ming Lin)
Bellovin, Steven M. (1982)
“Verifiably Correct Code Generation Using Predicate Transformers”
(David L. Parnas)
Bennett, Eric Paul (2007)
“Computational Video Enhancement”
(Leonard McMillan)
Bentley, Jon L. (1976)
“Divide and Conquer Algorithms for Closest Point Problems in Multidimensional Space”
(Donald F. Stanat)
Bera, Aniket (2017)
“Interactive Tracking, Prediction, and Behavior Learning of Pedestrians in Dense Crowds
(Dinesh Manocha)
Bergman, Lawrence D. (1993)
“VIEW–A System for Prototyping Scientific Visualizations”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Best, Andrew (2018)
“Motion Planning for Multi-Agent Systems with Physics-Based and Behavior Constraints”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Bethea, Darrell (2015)
“WACCO & LOKO: Strong Consistency at Global Scale”
(Mike Reiter)
Bhalachandra, Sridutt (2018)
“Runtime Methods to Improve Energy Efficiency in Supercomputing Applications”
(Allan K. Porterfield & Jan Prins)
Biagioni, Edoardo S. (1992)
“Scan Directed Load Balancing”
(Gyula A. Mago and Jan F. Prins)
Bishop, T. Gary (1984)
“Self-Tracker: A Smart Optical Sensor on Silicon”
(Henry Fuchs)
Blate, Alex (2019)
“Mitigating Real-Virtual Disparities in Illumination and Dynamic Position in Optical See-Through Augmented Reality”
(Henry Fuchs and Mary Whitton)
Block, Aaron (2008)
“Adaptive Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems”
(James Anderson)
Bokinsky, Alexandra A. (2003)
“Visualization of Multiple Spatial Variables with Data-Driven Spots”
(Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.)
Bollella, Gregory (1997)
“Slotted Priorities: Supporting Real-Time Computing Within General-Purpose Operating Systems”
(Kevin Jeffay)
Borland, David Morrison (2007)
“Flexible Occlusion Rendering for Improved Views of Three-Dimensional Medical Images”
(Russell M. Taylor)
Bowen, Chris (2018)
“Robots that Learn and Plan: Unifying Robot Learning and Motion Planning for Generalized Task Execution”
(Ron Alterovitz)
Brandenburg, Bjoern B. (2011)
“Scheduling and Locking in Multiprocessor Real-Time Operating Systems”
(James H. Anderson)
Britton, Edward G. (1977)
“A Methodology for the Ergonomic Design of Interactive Computer Graphic Systems, and its Application to Crystallography”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Broadhurst, Robert Elijah (2008)
“Compact Appearance in Object Populations Using Quantile Function Based Distribution Families”
(Stephen Pizer)
Brown, Peter H. (2002)
“Multiscale Evaluation of 3D Shape Perception in Computer Graphics”
(Christina Burbeck)
Brown, Shawn (2015)
“Case Studies on Optimizing Algorithms for GPU Architectures”
(Jack Snoeyink)
Brownlee, Jr., Edward H. (1975)
“Lossiness in Tessellation Automata”
(Stephen F. Weiss)
Burns, Eric (2007)
“MACBETH: Management of Avatar Conflict By Employment of a Technique Hybrid”
(Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.)
Buttelmann III, H. William (1970)
“Syntax-Semantics Systems As Structure Manipulation Systems: Phrase Structure Grammars and Generalized Finite Automata”
(David B. Benson)
Calandrino, John (2009)
“On the Design and Implementation of a Cache-Aware Soft Real-Time Scheduler for Multicore Platforms”
(James Anderson)
Cannon, Robert L. (1973)
“State Grammar Parsing”
(Stephen F. Weiss)
Cao, Tian (2016)
“Coupled Dictionary Learning for Image Analysis”
(Marc Niethammer)
Carlson, Eric D. (1972)
“Techniques for Analysis of Generalized Data Base Management Systems”
(Peter Calingaert)
Carter, Jason L. (2014)
“Automatic Difficulty Detection”
(Prasun Dewan)
Chadha, Ritu (1991)
“Applications of Unskolemization”
(David A. Plaisted)
Chan, Francis H. (1982) (Biomedical Engineering and Mathematics, UNC-Chapel Hill)
“Evaluating the Perceived Dynamic Range of A Display Device Using Pseudocolor”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Chandak, Anish (2011)
“Efficient Geometric Sound Propagation Using Visibility Culling.”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Chang, Chun-Fa. (2001)
“LDI Tree: A Sampling Rate Preserving and Hierarchical Data Representation for Image-Based Rendering”
(Gary Bishop)
Chattopadhyay, Bipasa (2015)
“Integrating Pragmatic Constraints and Behaviors Into Real-Time Scheduling Theory”
(Sanjoy Baruah)
Chen, David T. (1998)
“Volume Rendering Guided by Multiscale Medial Models”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Chen, Wei Chao (2002)
“Light Field Mapping: Efficient Representation of Surface Light Fields”
(Henry Fuchs)
Cheng, Wei (2015)
“Toward Robust Group-Wise eQTL Mapping Via Integrating Multi-Domain Heterogeneous Data”
(Wei Wang)
Chou, Chen-Rui (2013)
“Regression Learning for 2D/3D Image Registration”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Christiansen, Mikkel, Aalborg University, Denmark (2002)
“The Performance of HTTP Traffic Under Random Early Detection Queue Management”
( Kevin Jeffay and Don Smith)
Chu, Heng (1994)
“Semantically Guided First-Order Theorem Proving with Hyper-Linking”
(David A. Plaisted)
Chung, Goopeel (2002)
“Log-based Collaborative Infrastructure”
(Prasun Dewan)
Chung, James Che-Ming (1993)
“Intuitive Navigation in the Targeting of Radiation Therapy Treatment Beams”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Clary, Gregory (2003)
“Image Sequence Classification via Anchor Primitives”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Clipp, Brian Sanderson (2010)
“Multi-Camera Simultaneous Localization and Mapping”
(Marc Pollefeys and Jan-MIchael Frahm)
Cochran, Robby (2015)
“Symbolic Verification of Remote Client Behavior in Distributed Systems”
(Mike Reiter)
Cohen, Jonathan D. (1998)
“Appearance-Preserving Simplification of Polygonal Models”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Coombe, Greg (2007)
“Practical Surface Light Fields”
(Anselmo Lastra)
Couture, Heather (2018)
“Discriminative Representations for Heterogeneous Images and Multimodal Data”
(Marc Niethammer)
Cromartie, Robert C. (1995)
“Structure-Sensitive Contrast Enhancement: Development and Evaluation”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Crouch, Jessica Renee Crawford (2003)
“Medial Techniques for Automating Finite Element Analysis”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Culver, Timothy (2000)
“Computing the Medial Axis of a Polyhedron Reliably and Efficiently”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Curtis, Sean (2014)
“Pedestrian Velocity Obstacles: Pedestrian Simulation through Reasoning in Velocity Space”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Danforth, Scott H. (1983)
“DOT: A Distributed Operating System Model of a Tree-Structured Multiprocessor”
(Guyla A. Mago)
Davis, Bradley Charles (2008)
“Medical Image Analysis via Frechet Means of Diffeomorphisms”
(Sarang C. Joshi; Stephen Pizer, committee chair)
Davis, Mark C. (1990)
“A Computer for Low Context-Switch Time”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Devi, UmaMaheswari C. (2006)
“Soft Real-Time Scheduling on Multiprocessors”
(James Anderson)
Dou, Mingson (2015)
“Enhanced 3D Capture for Room-Sized Dynamic Scenes with Commodity Depth Cameras”
(Henry Fuchs)
Dunigan Jr., Thomas H. (1978)
“The Design of a Computer System with All-Electronic Files”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Dwyer, Christopher L. (2003)
“Self-Assembled Computer Architecture: Design and Fabrication Theory”
(Russell Taylor)
Dybvig, R. Kent (1987)
“Three Implementation Models for Scheme”
(Gyula A. Mago)
Eastman, Caroline M. (1977)
“A Tree Algorithm for Nearest Neighbor Searching in Document Retrieval Systems”
(Stephen F. Weiss)
Eastwood, Brian (2009)
“Multiple Layer Image Analysis for Video Microscopy”
(Russell Taylor)
Eberly, David H. (1994)
“Geometric Methods for Analysis of Ridges in N-Dimensional Images”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Elliott, Glenn (2015)
“Real-Time Scheduling of GPU’s with Applications in Advanced Automotive Systems”
(Jim Anderson)
Ellsworth, David A. (1996)
“Polygon Rendering for Interactive Visualization on Multicomputers”
(Henry Fuchs)
Erikson, Carl M. (2000)
“Hierarchical Levels of Detail to Accelerate the Rendering of Large Static and Dynamic Polygonal Environments”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Erickson, Jeremy P. (2014)
“Managing Tardiness Bounds and Overload in Soft Real-Time Systems”
(Jim Anderson)
Faith, Rickard E. (1998)
“Debugging Programs After Structure-Changing Transformation”
(Jan F. Prins)
Faulk, Stuart R.(1989)
“State Determination in Hard-Embedded Systems”
(David L. Parnas)
Feng, David (2010)
“Visualization of Uncertain Multivariate 3D Scalar Fields”
(Russell M. Taylor II)
Fisher, Nathan W. (2007)
“The Multiprocessor Real-Time Scheduling of General Task Systems”
(Sanjoy K. Baruah)
Fletcher, Preston Tom (2004)
“Statistical Variability in Nonlinear Spaces: Application to Shape Analysis and DT-MRI”
(Stephen Pizer)
Frank, Geoffrey A. (1979)
“Virtual Memory Systems for Closed Applicative Language Interpreters”
(Donald F. Stanat)
Fredericksen, R. Eric (1993)
“The Biological Computation of Visual Motion”
(Stephen M. Pizer and Willem H. van de Grind, University of Utrecht)
Fridman, Yonatan (2004)
“Extracting Branching Object Geometry via Cores”
(Stephen Pizer)
Fritsch, Daniel S. (1993) (Biomedical Engineering, UNC-Chapel Hill)
“Registration of Radiotherapy Images Using Multiscale Medial Descriptions of Image Structure”
(James Coggins)
Fu, Chen-Ping (2015)
“Analysis of Admixed Animals Using Indirect Haplotype Information from Existing Technologies”
(Leonard McMillan)
Funk, Shelby (2004)
“EDF Scheduling on Heterogeneous Multiprocessors”
(Sanjoy Baruah)
Furst, Jacob D. (1999)
“Height Ridges of Oriented Medialness”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Gallup, David (2010)
“Efficient 3D Reconstruction of Large-Scale Urban Environments from Street-Level Video”
(Marc Pollefeys and Jan-Michael Frahm)
Galoppo, Nico (2008)
“Animation, Simulation, and Control of Soft Characters using Layered Representations and Simplified Physics-based Methods”
(Ming Lin)
Gamblin, Todd (2009)
“Scalable Performance Measurement and Analysis”
(Dan Reed)
Gao, Yaozong (2016)
“Accurate CT Pelvic Organ Segmentation in Image Guided Radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer”
(Dinggang Shen)
Gauch, John M. (1989)
“The Multiresolution Intensity Axis of Symmetry and its Application to Image Segmentation”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Gauch, Susan E. (1990)
“An Expert System for Searching in Full-Text”
(John B. Smith)
Gayle, Russell T. (2010)
“Physics-based Sampling for Motion Planning”
(Dinesh Manocha and Ming Lin)
Gill, Gennette D. (2010)
“Analysis and Optimization for Pipelined Asynchronous Systems”
(Montek Singh)
Glassner, Andrew S. (1988)
“Algorithms for Efficient Image Synthesis”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Goddard, Stephen (1998)
“On the Management of Latency in the Synthesis of Real-Time Signal Processing Systems from Processing Graphs”
(Kevin Jeffay)
Golas, Abhinav (2015)
“Modeling Complex Large-Scale Flow Phemomena”
(Ming Lin)
Gong, Yunchao (2014)
“Large-Scale Image Retrieval Using Similarity Preserving Binary Codes”
(Lana Lazebnick)
Gottschalk, Stefan (2000)
“Collision Queries Using Oriented Bounding Boxes”
(Ming C. Lin and Dinesh Manocha)
Gotz, David. (2005)
“Channel Set Adaptation: Scalable and Adaptive Streaming for Non-Linear Media”
(Ketan Mayer-Patel)
Govindaraju, Naga (2004)
“Efficient Visability-based Algorithms for Interactive Walkthrough, Shadow Generation, and Collision Detection”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Grant, Eric D. (1991)
“Constraint-Based Design by Cost Function Optimization”
(Turner Whitted)
Gross, Richard R. (1985)
“Using Software Technology to Specify Abstract Interfaces in VLSI Design”
(Peter Calingaert)
Guan, Li (2010)
“Multi-view Dynamic Scene Modeling”
(Mark Pollefeys)
Guan, Sheng-Uei (1989)
“A Model, Architecture, and Operating System Support for Shared Workspace Cooperation”
(Hussein Abdel-Wahab)
Guo, Zhishan (2016)
“Real-Time Scheduling of Mixed-Critical Workloads Upon Platforms with Uncertainties”
(Sanjoy Baruah)
Gupta, Gopal (1992)
“Parallel Execution of Logic Programs on Shared Memory Multiprocessors”
(Bharadwaj Jayaraman)
Guy, Stephen J. (2012)
“Geometric Collision Avoidance for Heterogeneous Crowd Simulation”
(Ming Lin & Dinesh Manocha)
Gyllstrom, Karl A. (2009)
“Enriching personal information management with document interaction histories”
(David Stotts)
Hamlin, Jr., Griffith Askew (1975)
“Configural application for satellite graphics”
Han, Qiong (2008)
“Proper Shape Representation of Single- and Multi-Figure Anatomical Objects”
(Stephen Pizer)
Han, Taisook (1990)
“A New Class of Recursive Routing Algorithms on Mesh-connected Computers”
(Donald F. Stanat)
Han, Xufeng (2016)
“Learning with More Data and Better Models for Visual Similarity and Differentiation”
(Alex Berg)
Harris, Mark Jason (2003)
“Real-Time Cloud Simulation and Rendering”
(Anselmo Lastra)
Heath, Lenwood S. (1985)
“Algorithms for Embedding Graphs in Books”
(Arnold Rosenberg, Duke University)
Heinly, Jared Scott (2015)
“Toward Efficiant and Robust Large-Scale Structure-From-Motion Systems”
(Jan-Michael Frahm & Enrique Dunn)
Hensley, Justin Aaron (2007)
“Increasing Rendering Performance of Graphics Hardware”
(Anselmo Lastra and Montek Singh)
Hernandez-Campos, Felix (2006)
“Generation and Validation of Empirically-derived TCP Application Workloads”
(Kevin Jeffay)
Hetzel, William C. (1976)
“An Experimental Analysis of Program Verification Methods”
(Peter Calingaert)
Hillesland, Karl E. (2005)
“Image Streaming to Build Image-based Models”
(Anselmo Lastra)
Hirota, Gentaro (2002)
“An Improved Finite Element Contact Model for Anatomical Simulations”
(Henry Fuchs)
Ho, Sean (2004)
“Profile Scale Spaces for Statistical Image Match in Bayesian Segmentation”
(Guido Gerig)
Hoffman, Daniel M. (1984)
“Trace Specification of Communications Protocols”
(Richard T. Snodgrass)
Hoffman, Doug L. (1996)
“Comparison of Protein Structures by Transformation into Dihedral Angle Sequences”
(Raj K. Singh)
Holloway, Richard L. (1995)
“Registration Errors in Augmented Reality Systems”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Holman, Philip (2004)
“Implementation of Pfair-scheduled Multiprocessor Systems”
(James Anderson)
Holt, James Matthew (2016)
“Using the Multi-String Burrow-Wheeler Transform for High-Throughput Sequence Analysis”
(Leonard McMillan)
Hong, Yi (2016)
“Image and Shape Analysis for Spatiotemporal Data”
(Marc Niethammer)
Hong, Junpyo (2018)
“Classification of Neuroanatomical Structures Based on Non-Euclidean Geometric Properties”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Hsieh, Cheng-Hong (1989)
“A Connectionist Algorithm for Image Segmentation”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Huan, Jun (Luke) (2006)
“Graph-based Pattern Discovery in Protein Structures”
(Jan Prins and Wei Wang)
Huang, Shunping (2015)
“Correcting Reference Bias in High-Throughput Sequencing Analysis”
(Wei Wang)
Hudson, Thomas C. (2004)
“Adapting a Collaborative, Force-Feedback, Graphical User Interface to Best-Effort Networks”
(Russell M. Taylor II and Kevin Jeffay)
Hultquist, Jeffrey P. (1995)
“Interactive Numerical Flow Visualization Using Stream Surfaces”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Ichnowski, Jeffrey (2019)
“Scaling Robot Motion Planning to Multi-Core Processors and the Cloud”
(Ron Alterovitz)
Ilie, Dumitru Adrian (2010)
“On-Line Control of Active Camera Networks”
(Greg Welch)
Insko, Brent E. (2001)
“Passive Haptics Significantly Enhances Virtual Environments”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Interrante, Victoria L. (1996)
“Illustrating Transparency: Communicating the 3D Shape of Layered Transparent Surfaces via Texture”
(Henry Fuchs and Stephen M. Pizer)
Isenburg, Martin (2004)
“Compression and Streaming of Polygon Meshes”
(Jack Snoeyink)
Janikow, Cezary Z. (1991)
“Inductive Learning of Decision Rules from Attribute-Based Examples: A Knowledge-Intensive Genetic Algorithm Approach”
(Kenneth De Jong and David A. Plaisted)
Jeong, Ja-Yeon (2009)
“Estimation of Probability Distribution on Multiple Anatomical Objects and Evaluation of Statistical Shape Models”
(Stephen Pizer)
Jerald, Jason (2009)
“Scene-Motion Thresholds and Latency Thresholds for Head-Mounted Displays”
(Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.)
Ji, Dinghuang (2017)
“Data-Driven 3D Reconstruction and View Synthesis of Dynamic Scene Elements”
(Jan-Michael Frahm)
Jin, Ning (2012)
“Discriminative Subgraph Pattern Mining and Its Applications”
(Wei Wang)
Johnson, Frankford M. (1969) (Education, UNC-Chapel Hill)
“An Experiment in the Teaching of Programming Language/One Using Computer Assisted Instruction”
(Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.)
Johnson, Tyler M.(2009)
“A Cooperative Approach to Continuous Calibration in Multi-Projector Displays”
(Henry Fuchs)
Jolley Jr., Truman M. (1972)
“The Use of the Walsh Transform in Scintigram Enhancement”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Jones, Edward L. (1984)
“Procedure-Level Program Modeling for Virtual-Memory Performance Improvement”
(Peter Calingaert)
Junuzovic, Sasa (2010)
“Towards Self-Optimizing Frameworks for Collaborative Systems”
(Prasun Dewan)
Kabul, Ilknur Kaynar (2011)
“Patient-specific Anatomical Illustration via Model-guided Texture Synthesis”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Kalarickal, George J. (1998)
“Theory of Cortical Plasticity in Vision”
(Jonathan A. Marshall)
Kao, Chia-Yu (Katy) (2018)
“A Deep Learning Architecture for Histology Image Classification”
(Leonard McMillan)
Katz, Robert (2002)
“Shape Analysis for Computer Graphics via Figural Models of Perception”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Kehs, David R. (1978)
“A Routing Network for a Machine to Execute Reduction Languages”
(Gyula A. Mago)
Keyser, John. (2000)
“Exact Boundary Evaluation for Curved Solids”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Kiapour, Mahammadhadi (Hadi) (2015)
“Large Scale Visual Recognition of Clothing, People, and Styles”
(Tamara Berg)
Kilpatrick, Paul J. (1976)
“The Use of a Kinesthetic Supplement in an Interactive Graphics System”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Kim, Hyo Jin (2018)
“Learning Adaptive Representations for Image Retrieval”
(Jan-Michael Frahm)
Kim, Namhoon (2019)
“Combining Hardware Management with Mixed-Criticality Provisioning in Multicore Real-Time Systems”
(Jim Anderson)
Kim, Seon Joo (2008)
“Radiometric Calibration Methods from Image Sequences”
(Marc Pollefeys)
Kim, Sujeong (2015)
“Velocity-Spece Reasoning for Interactive Simulation of Dynamic Crowd Behaviors”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Kim, Theodore W. (2006)
“Physically-Based Simulation of Ice Formation”
(Ming Lin)
Kim, Yong-Jik (2003)
“Time Complexity Bounds for Shared-memory Mutual Exclusion”
(James Anderson)
Kohli, Luv (2013)
“Redirected Touching”
(Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.)
Koltun, Philip L. (1982)
“Evaluation of a Teaching Approach for Introductory Computer Programming”
(Donald F. Stanat)
Konstantinow, George, Jr. (1983) (Biomedical Engineering and Mathematics, UNC-Chapel Hill)
“Automated Region of Interest Selection and Decontamination of Time Activity Curves From First Pass Radionuclide Angiocardiographic Data”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Kosa, Martha J. (1994)
“Consistency Guarantees for Concurrent Shared Objects: Upper and Lower Bounds”
(Jennifer Welch)
Koster, V. Alexis (1977)
“Execution Time and Storage Requirements of Reduction Language Programs on a Reduction Machine”
(Gyula A. Mago)
Kotliar, Michael S. (1989)
“The Right Stuff–Techniques for High Speed CMOS Circuit Synthesis”
(Kye S. Hedlund)
Krajcevski, Pavel (2016)
“Improved Encoding for Compressed Textures”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Krishnan, Shankar (1997)
“Efficient and Accurate Boundary Evaluation Algorithms for Boolean Combinations of Sculptured Solids”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Kum, Hye-Chung (Monica) (2004)
“Approximate Mining of Consensus Sequential Patterns”
(Wei Wang and Dean Duncan)
Kum, Sang-Uok (2006)
“Encoding of Multiple Depth Streams”
(Ketan Mayer-Patel)
Kumar, Subodh (1996)
“Interactive Rendering of Parametric Spline Surfaces”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Kuntz, Alan (2019)
“Integrating Optimization and Sampling for Robot Motion Planning with Applications in Healthcare”
(Ron Alterovitz)
Ladd, Brian C. (2000)
“Lingua Graphica: A Language for Concise Expression of Graph-Based Algorithms”
(John B. Smith)
Lamastra, Gerardo – Scuola Superiore Santa Anna, Italy (2000)
“Operating Systems for Multimedia Applications: Monolithic Approach v. MicroKernel Approach”
(Kevin Jeffay and Giorgio Buttazzo – Scuola Superiore Santa Anna)
Larsen, E. Scott (2008)
“Temporal Multi-view Reconstruction using Enhanced Belief Propagation”
(Henry Fuchs)
Lauterbach, Christian (2010)
“Interactive Ray Tracing of Massive and Deformable Models”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Le, Nguyen Tuong Long (2005)
“Investigating the Effects of Active Queue Management on the Performance of TCP Applications”
(Kevin Jeffay)
Leaver-Fay, Andrew (2006)
“Capturing Atomic Interactions with a Graphical Framework in Computational Protein Design”
(Jack Snoeyink)
Lee, Huai-Ping (2012)
“Simulation-Based Joint Estimation of Body Deformation and Elasticity Parameters for Medical Image Analysis”
(Ming C. Lin)
Lee, Joohwi (2015)
“Group-Wise Image Registration and Its Application to Rodent Brain Analysis”
(Martin Styner)
Lee, Shie-Jue (1990)
“CLIN: An Automated Reasoning System Using Clause Linking”
(David A. Plaisted)
Leler, William J. (1987)
“Specification and Generation of Constraint Satisfaction Systems”
(Bharadwaj Jayaraman)
Leontyev, Hennadiy (2010)
“Compositional Analysis Techniques For Multiprocessor Soft Real-Time Scheduling”
(James Anderson)
Levoy, Marc S. (1989)
“Display of Surfaces From Volume Data”
(Henry Fuchs)
Levy, Joshua H. (2008)
“Refinement of Object-Based Segmentation”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Li, Haohan (2013)
“Scheduling Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Systems”
(Sanjoy K. Baruah)
Li, Peng (2014)
“Replication and Placement for Security in Distributed Systems”
(Mike Reiter)
Li, Weizi (2019)
“Simulation and Learning for Urban Mobility: City-Scale Traffic and Autonomous Driving”
(Ming C. Lin)
Lifshitz, Lawrence M. (1987)
“Image Segmentation via Multiresolution Extrema Following”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Lin, Wei-Jyh (1991)
“Boundary Estimation in Ultrasound Images”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Lincoln, Peter (2017)
“Low Latency Displays for Augmented Reality”
(Henry Fuchs & Greg Welch)
Lipscomb, James S. (1981)
“Three-Dimensional Cues for a Molecular Computer Graphics System”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Liu, Alan Ve-Ming (1998)
“3D/2D Registration and Reconstruction in Image-Guided Surgery”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Liu, Cong (2013)
“Efficient Design, Analysis, and Implementation of Complex Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems”
(Jim Anderson)
Liu, Guodong (2007)
“A Data-driven, Piecewise Linear Approach to Modeling Human Motions”
(Leonard McMillan)
Liu, Jinze (2006)
“New Clustering Approaches for Mining Salient Patterns in High Dimensional Data”
(Wei Wang)
Liu, Wei (2016)
“Localizing Objects Fast and Accurately”
(Alex Berg)
Liu, Xiaoxiao (2010)
“Shape-correlated Statistical Modeling and Analysis for Respiratory Motion Estimation”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Liu, Yuanxin (Leo) (2008)
“Computation of Delaunay and higher order triangulations, with applications to splines”
(Jack Snoeyink)
Liu, Yi (2013)
“Fast and Accurate Haplotype Inference with Hidden Markov Model”
(Wei Wang and Yun Li)
Livingston, Mark A. (1998)
“Vision-Based Tracking with Dynamic Structured Light for Video-See-Through Augmented Reality”
(Henry Fuchs)
Lloyd, David Brandon (2007)
“Logarithmic Perspective Shadow Maps”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Lok, Benjamin Chak Lum (2002)
“Interacting With Real Objects Significantly Enhances Cognitive Virtual Environment Tasks”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr)
Lorenzen, Peter Jonathan (2006)
“Multi-Modal Image Registration and Atlas Formation”
(Sarang C. Joshi)
Low, Kok-Lim (2006)
“View Planning for Range Acquisition of Indoor Environments”
(Anselmo Lastra)
Luebke, David P. (1998)
“View-Dependent Simplification of Arbitrary Polygonal Environments”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Lyu, Ilwoo (2016)
“Cortical Surface Registration and Shape Analysis”
(Martin Styner)
Maimone, Andrew (2015)
“Computational See-Through Near-Eye Displays”
(Henry Fuchs)
Majumder, Aditi (2003)
“A Practical Framework to Achieve Perceptually Seamless Multi-Projector Displays”
(Gregory Welch and Rick Stevens)
Mark, William R. (1999)
“Post-Rendering 3D Image Warping: Visibility, Reconstruction, and Performance for Depth-Image Warping”
(Gary Bishop)
Mascarenhas, Ajith Arthur (2006)
“Time-varying Reeb Graphs: A Topological Framework Supporting the Analysis of Continuous Time-varying Data”
(Jack Snoeyink)
McAllister, David F. (1972)
“Algorithms for Chebychev Approximation Over Finite Sets”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
McAllister, David K. (2002)
“A Generalized Surface Appearance Representation for Computer Graphics”
(Anselmo Lastra)
McAnulty, Michael A. (1973)
“Computer-Aided Processing of Coronary Arterial Tree Cinearteriograms”
(Donald F. Stanat)
McInroy, John W. (1978)
“A Concept-Vector Representation of the Paragraphs in a Document, Applied to Automatic Extracting”
(Stephen F. Weiss)
McKenzie Jr., Leslie E. (1988)
“An Algebraic Language for Query and Update of Temporal Databases”
(Richard T. Snodgrass)
McMillan, Jr., Leonard (1997)
“An Image-Based Approach to Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics”
(Gary Bishop)
Meehan, Michael J. (2001)
“Physiological Reaction as an Objective Measure of Presence in Virtual Environments”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Meenakshisundaram, Gopi (2001)
“Theory and Practice of Sampling and Reconstruction of Manifolds with Boundaries”
(Jack Snoeyink)
Mehra, Ravish (2015)
“Efficient Techniques for Wave-Based Sound Propagation in Interactive Applications”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Meng, Yu (2017)
“Computational Cortical Surface Analysis for Study of Early Brain Development”
(Dinggang Shen)
Menges, John E. (2009)
“Concur: An Investigation of Lightweight Migration in Support of Centralized Synchronous Distributed Collaboration”
(Kevin Jeffay)
Merck, Derek L. (2010)
“Model Guided Rendering for Medical Images”
(Steve Pizer & Julian Rosenman)
Merrell, Paul (2009)
“Model Synthesis”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Middleton, David J. (1986)
“Alternative Program Representations in the FFP Machine”
(Gyula A. Mago)
Miller, Dorian B. (2009)
“Can we work together?”
(Dave Stotts)
Miller, Swaha Das (2005)
“OSHL-U: A First Order Theorem Prover Using Propositional Techniques and Semantics”
(David Plaisted)
Millman, David L. (2012)
“Degree-Driven Design of Geometric Algorithms for Point Location, Proximity, and Volume Calculation”
(Jack Snoeyink)
Mine, Mark R. (1997)
“Exploiting Proprioception in Virtual-Environment Interaction”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Mo, Qi (2015)
“Efficient Light and Sound Propagation in Refractive Media Using Analytic Ray Curve Tracing”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Moir, Mark S. (1996)
“Efficient Object Sharing in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors”
(James Anderson)
Molnar, Steven E. (1991)
“Image-Composition Architectures for Real-Time Image Generation”
(Henry Fuchs)
Morales, Nic (2017)
“Efficient Wave-based Sound Propagation and Optimization for Computer-Aided Design”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Morse, Bryan S. (1995)
“Computation of Object Cores from Grey-level Images”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Mudge, J. Craig (1973)
“Human Factors in the Design of a Computer-Assisted Instruction System”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Mueller, Carl A. (2000)
“The Sort-First Architecture for Real-Time Image Generation”
(Anselmo A. Lastra)
Munson, Jonathan P. (1997)
“Synchronization in Collaborative Applications”
(Prasun Dewan)
Nackman, Lee R. (1982)
“Three-Dimensional Shape Description Using the Symmetric Axis Transform”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Narain, Rahul (2011)
“Visual Modeling and Simulation of Multiscale Phenomena”
(Ming C. Lin)
Narang, Sahil (2018)
“Simulating Plausible Movement-Based Interactions Between Agents and Avatars Using Biomechanical Principles and Psychological Factors”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Nashel, Andrew R. (2010)
“Rendering and Display for Multi-Viewer Tele-Immersion”
(Henry Fuchs)
Navon, Jaime (2005)
“Specification and Semi-Automated Verification of Coordination Protocols for Collaborative Software Systems”
(David Stotts)
Neumann, Ulrich (1993)
“Volume Reconstruction and Parallel Rendering Algorithms: A Comparative Analysis”
(Henry Fuchs)
Newton, Ben (2017)
“Efficient Topology Management and Geographic Routing in High-Capacity Continental-Scale Airborne Networks”
(Kevin Jeffay)
Nie, Dong (2019)
“Blurry Boundary Delineation and Adversarial Confidence Learning for Medical Image Analysis”
Dinggang Shen
Nie, Xumin (1989)
“Automatic Theorem Proving In Problem Reduction Formats”
(David A. Plaisted)
Nomura, Kunihiko (1974)
“Stochastic Models for Systems of Multiple Integrated Processors”
(Victor L. Wallace)
Oguz, Ipek (2009)
“Groupwise Shape Correspondence with Local Features”
(Martin Styner)
Ohbuchi, Ryutarou (1994)
“Incremental Acquisition and Visualization of 3D Ultrasound Images”
(Henry Fuchs)
Olano, T. Marc (1998)
“A Programmable Pipeline for Graphics Hardware”
(Anselmo A. Lastra)
Oliveira Neto, Manuel Menezes de (2000)
“Relief Texture Mapping”
(Gary Bishop)
Oliver, Alfred P. (1969)
“A Measurement of the Effectiveness of An Interactive Display System in Teaching Numerical Analysis”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
O’Meara, Matthew James (2013)
“A Features Analysis Tool For Assessing And Improving Computational Models In Structural Biology”
(Jack Snoeyink and Brian Kuhlman)
Omojokun, Olufisayo Ayodele (2006)
“Interacting with Networked Devices”
(Prasun Dewan)
Omondi, Amos R. (1990)
“Architecture and Implementation of a Parallel Machine for Imperative and Nondeterministic Functional Languages”
(David A. Plaisted)
Ordonez-Roman, Vicente (2015)
“Language and Perceptual Categorization in Computational Visual Recognition”
(Tamara Berg)
Otaduy, Miguel A. (2004)
“6-DoF Haptic Rendering Using Contact Levels of Detail and Haptic Textures”
(Ming Lin)
Ott, David (2005)
“An Open Architecture for Transport-Level Coordination in Distributed Multimedia Applications”
(Ketan Mayer-Patel)
Ouh-young, Ming (1990)
“Force Display in Molecular Docking”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Palmer, Daniel W. (1996)
“Efficient Execution of Nested Data-Parallel Programs”
(Jan F. Prins)
Pan, Feng (2009)
“Efficient Algorithms in Analyzing Genomic Data”
(Wei Wang)
Pan, Jia (2013)
“Efficient Configuration Space Construction and Optimization”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Paramasivam, Muthukrishnan (1997)
“Instance-Based First-Order Methods Using Propositional Provers”
(David A. Plaisted)
Parente, Peter J. (2008)
“Clique: Perceptually-based, task-oriented auditory display for GUI Applications”
(Gary Bishop)
Pargas, Roy P. (1982)
“Parallel Solution of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations On a Tree Machine”
(Gyula A. Mago)
Park, Chonhyon (2016)
“High-DOF Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments using Trajectory Optimization”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Park, Eunbyung (2019)
“Learning to adapt from few examples”
(Alex Berg)
Parker, Erin (2004)
“Analyzing the Behavior of Loop Nests in the Memory Hierarchy: Methods, Tools and Applications”
(Siddhartha Chatterjee)
Parris, Mark A. (2001)
“Class-Based Thresholds: Lightweight Active Router-Queue Management for Multimedia Networking”
(Kevin Jeffay)
Partain, William D. (1989)
“Graph Reduction Without Pointers”
(Gyula A. Mago)
Patil, Sachin (2013)
“Closed-Loop Planning and Control of Steerable Medical Needles”
(Ron Alterovitz)
Peck, Tabitha (2010)
“Redirected Free Exploration with Distractors: A Large-Scale Real-Walking Locomotion Interface”
(Mary Whitton & Henry Fuchs)
Pfannenstiel, Wolf (2000) (Technische UniversitäBerlin)
“Piecewise Execution of Nested Data Parallel Programs”
(S. Jaehnichen, Technische UniversitäBerlin, and Jan F. Prins)
Pool, Jeff (2012)
“Energy-Precision Tradeffos in the Graphics Pipeline”
(Anselmo Lastra & Montek Singh)
Popelas, Judy M. (1983)
“A Case Grammar Approach to Error Correction in Computer Programs”
(Peter Calingaert)
Popescu, Voicu S. (2001)
“Forward Rasterization: A Reconstruction Algorithm for Image-Based Rendering”
(Anselmo A. Lastra)
Pozefsky, Diane P. (1979)
“Building Efficient Pass-Oriented Attribute Grammar Evaluators”
(Mehdi Jazayeri)
Pozefsky, Mark 1977)
“Programming in Reduction Languages”
(Gyula A. Mago)
Prastawa, Marcelinus Widita (2007)
“An MRI Segmentation Framework for Brains with Anatomical Deviations”
(Guido Gerig)
Pratapa, Srihari (2019)
“Efficient Random Access Compression Schemes for Image-Based Representations”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Price, True (2019)
“Scene Reconstruction Beyond Structure-from-Motion and Multi-view Stereo”
(Jan-Michael Frahm)
Prokop, Jan S. (1969)
“An Investigation of the Effects of Computer Graphics on Executive Decision Making in an Inventory Control Environment”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Puff, Derek T. (1995) (Biomedical Engineering, UNC-Chapel Hill)
“Human vs. Vision Model Performance for Two Medical Image Estimation Tasks”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Rademacher, Pablo M. (2003)
“Measuring the Perceived Visual Realism of Images”
(Gary Bishop)
Raguram, Rahul (2013)
“Efficient Algorithms for Robust Estimation”
(Jan-Michael Frahm and Marc Pollefeys)
Raghuvanshi, Nikunj (2010)
“Interactive Physically-based Sound Simulation”
(Ming C. Lin)
Rajgopal, Suresh (1992)
“Spatial Entropy–A Unified Attribute to Model Dynamic Communication in VLSI Circuits”
(Kye S. Hedlund)
Ramamurthy, Srikanth (1997)
“A Lock-Free Approach to Object Sharing in Real-Time Systems”
(James Anderson)
Randhavane, Tanmay (2019)
“Social Perception of Pedestrians and Virtual Agents Using Movement Features”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Raskar, Ramesh (2002)
“Projector-Based Three Dimensional Graphics”
(Henry Fuchs and Gregory Welch)
Rathinavel, Kishore (2019)
“Volumetric and Varifocal Occlusion Augmented Reality Displays”
(Henry Fuchs)
Razzaque, Sharif (2005)
“Redirected Walking”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Ren, Zhimin (2014)
“Real-Time Physically Based Sound Synthesis and Application in Multimodal Interaction”
(Ming Lin)
Rewaskar, Sushant (2007)
“Real-world Evaluation of Techniques to Mitigate Impact of Losses on TCP Performance”
(Jasleen Kaur)
Rhee, Injong (1994)
“Efficiency of Partial Synchrony and Resource Allocation in Distributed Systems”
(Jennifer Welch)
Rheingans, Penny L. (1993)
“Dynamic Explorations of Multiple Variables in a 2D Space”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Rhoades, John S. (1993)
“Shaping Curved Surfaces”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Riely, James (1999)
“Applications of Abstraction for Concurrent Programs”
(Jan F. Prins)
Rosenthal, Michael H. (2005)
“Three-dimensional Registration and Tracking of Vascular Stuctures using Calibrated Biplane Fluoroscopy”
(Henry Fuchs)
Roussev, Vassil R. (2003)
“Flexible Sharing of Distributed Objects Based on Programming Patterns”
(Prasun Dewan)
Rudolph, David J. (1995) (Biomedical Engineering and Mathematics, UNC-Chapel Hill)
“Automatic Landmark Identification in Orthodontic Cephalometric Radiographs (Machine Vision)”
(James Coggins)
Rungta, Atul (2018)
“Perceptually Driven Interactive Sound Propagation for Virtual Environments”
(Jan-Michael Frahm)
Saboo, Rohit R. (2011)
“Atlas Diffeomorphisms via Object Models”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Sanders, Sean (2017)
“Techniques for the Analysis of Modern Web Page Traffic Using Anonymized TCP/IP Headers”
(Jasleen Kaur)
Sawyer, Jeanne C. (1990)
“A Reference and Planning Model for Library Online Public Access Catalogs”
(Stephen F. Weiss)
Schissler, Carl (2017)
“Efficient Interactive Sound Propagation in Dynamic Environments”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Schmitt, Charles P. (1999)
“Recognizing Moving Objects: A Neural Model of Temporal Binding in Human Vision”
(Jonathan A. Marshall)
Seeger, Adam (2004)
“Surface Reconstruction From AFM and SEM Images”
(Russell M. Taylor II)
Sewall, Jason (2010)
“Efficient, Scalable Traffic and Compressible Fluid Simulations Using Hyperbolic Models”
(Ming C. Lin)
Shan, Liang (2014)
“Automatic Localized Analysis of Longitudinal Cartilage Changes”
(Marc Niethammer)
Shan, Yen-Ping (1990)
“MoDE: An Object-Oriented User Interface Development Environment Based on the Concept of Mode”
(John B. Smith)
Shannon, Karen P. (1992)
“Tool Integration Via Fine-Grained Data Management”
(Richard Snodgrass)
Shiriam, Alok (2007
“Design of a Scalable Available Bandwidth Information Infrastructure”
Silbermann, Frank S. K. (1989)
“A Denotational Semantics Approach to Functional and Logic Programming”
(Bharadwaj Jayaraman)
Singh, Abhishek (2007)
“Co-scheduling Real-time Tasks and Non Real-time Tasks Using Empirical Probability Distribution of Real-time Execution Requirements”
(Kevin Jeffay)
Singh, Darshan (2015)
“Annotation-Free Detection of Splicing Differences Between RNA-Seq Samples”
(Jan Prins)
Sinha, Sudipta N. (2008)
“Silhouettes for Calibration and Reconstruction from Multiple View”
(Marc Pollefeys)
Skarbez, Richard (2016)
“Plausibility Illusion in Virtual Environments”
(Mary Whitton & Fred Brooks)
Smith, Bruce T. (1992)
“Logic Programming on an FFP Machine”
(David A. Plaisted)
Smith, F. Donelson (1978)
“Models of Multiprocessing for Transaction-Oriented Computer Systems”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Smith, Jason McColm (2005)
“SPQR: Formal Foundations and Practical Support for the Automated Detection of Design Patterns from Source Code”
(David Stotts)
Smotherman, Mark K. (1984)
“Parametric Error Analysis and Coverage Approximations in Reliability Modeling”
(Kishor Trivedi, Duke University)
Snape, Jamie R. (2012)
“Smooth and Collision-Free Navigation for Multiple Mobile Robots and Video Game Characters”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Sneeringer, Cheryl C. (1975)
“Models of Memory Management Techniques for Time-sharing Systems”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Sneeringer IV, W. James, (1975)
“A Dynamic-type Programming Language that Allows Type Control”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Snow, Kevin (2014)
“Identifying Code Injection and Reuse Payloads in Memory Error Exploits”
(Fabian Monrose)
Srinivasan, Anand (2003)
“Efficient and Flexible Fair Scheduling of Real-time Tasks on Multiprocessors”
(James Anderson)
Steinhurst, Joshua Eli (2007)
“Practical Photon Mapping in Hardware”
(Anselmo Lastra)
Sterling, Auston (2019)
“Audio-Material Modeling and Reconstruction for Multimodal Interaction”
(Ming C. Lin)
Stetten, George D. (2000) (Biomedical Engineering, UNC-Chapel Hill)
“Automated Identification and Measurement of Cardiac Anatomy via Statistical Analysis of Medial Primitives”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Stone, Donald L. (1995)
“Managing the Effect of Delay Jitter on the Display of Live Continuous Media”
(Kevin Jeffay)
Stough, Joshua V. (2008)
“Clustering and Shifting of Regional Appearance for Deformable Model Segmentation”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Styner, Martin A. (2001)
“Combined Boundary-Medial Shape Description of Variable Biological Shapes”
(Guido Gerig)
Sud, Avneesh (2006)
“Efficient Computation of Discrete Voronoi Diagram and Homotopy-Preserving Simplified Medial Axis of 3D Polyhedron”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Surles, Mark C. (1992)
“Techniques for Interactive Manipulation of Graphical Protein Models”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Takashi, Tersuya (2019)
“Efficient Particle-based Viscous Fluid Simulation with Video-Guided Real-to-Virtual Parameter Transfer”
(Ming Lin)
Talley, Terry M. (1997)
“A Transmission Control Framework for Continuous Media”
(Kevin Jeffay)
Taylor, Micah (2014)
“Interactive Sound Propagation for Massive Multi-User and Dynamic Virtual Environments”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Taylor II, Russell M. (1994)
“The Nanomanipulator: A Virtual-Reality Interface to a Scanning Tunneling Microscope”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Taylor, Teryl (2016)
“Using Context to Improve Network-Based Malware Detection”
(Fabian Monrose)
Terrell, Jeffrey S. (2009)
“Passive, automatic detection of network server performance anomalies in large networks”
(Kevin Jeffay)
Terriberry, Timothy B. (2006)
“Continuous Medial Models in Two-Sample Statistics of Shape”
(Guido Gerig)
Thall, Andrew L. (2004)
“Deformable Solid Modeling via Medial Sampling and Displacement Subdivision”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Thomas, Teresa A. (1988)
“The Semantics of an FP Language with Infinite Objects”
(Donald F. Stanat)
Tighe, Joseph (2013)
“Towards Open-Universe Image Parsing with Broad Coverage”
(Lana Lazebnik)
Tolle, Donald M. (1981)
“Coordination of Computation in a Binary Tree of Processors: An Architectural Proposal”
(Gyula A. Mago)
Tuck, Russell (1990) (Duke University)
“Porta-SIMD: An Optimally Portable SIMD Programming Language”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
(No UNC-Chapel Hill library copy)
Turk, Gregory (1992)
“Texturing Surfaces Using Reaction-Diffusion”
(Henry Fuchs)
Vallidis, Nicholas M. (2002)
“WHISPER: A Spread Spectrum Approach to Occlusion in Acoustic Tracking”
(Gary Bishop)
Varadhan, Gokul (2005)
“Accurate Sampling Based Algorithms for Surface Extraction and Motion Planning”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Varshney, Amitabh (1994)
“Hierarchical Geometric Approximations”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Vicory, Jared (2016)
“Learned Shape Deformations and Regional Texture-Based Appearance for TRUS Prostate Segmentation”
(Stephen Pizer)
Vittayakorn, Sirion (2016)
“Visual Attribute Discovery and Analysis from Web-Data”
(Tamara L. Berg)
Walker II, John Q. (1991)
“Automated Analysis of Computer-Generated Software Usage Protocols: An Exploratory Study”
(John B. Smith)
Wang, Jeremy (2013)
“Analysis and Visualization of Local Phylogenetic Structure within Species”
(Leonard McMillan)
Wang, Jih-Fang (1990)
“A Real-time Optical 6D Tracker for Head-mounted Display Systems”
(Henry Fuchs)
Wang, Ke (2018)
“Towards Efficient 3D Reconstructions from High-Resolution Satellite Imagery”
(Jan-Michael Frahm)
Wang, Qian (2013)
“Registration in Large-Scale Population of Brain MR Images”
(Dinggang Shen)
Wang, Weibo (2015)
“Detect Copy Number Variations from Read-Depth of High-Throughout Sequencing Data”
(We Wang)
Wang, Xueyi (2008)
“Exploring RNA and Protein 3D structures By Geometric Algorithms”
(Jack Snoeyink)
Ward, Bryan (2016)
“Sharing Non-Processor Resources in Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems”
(Jim Anderson)
Ward, Kelly (2005)
“Modeling Hair Using Levels-of-Detail”
(Ming Lin)
Wei, Lei (2013)
“Privacy-Preserving Regular-Expression Evaluation on Encrypted Data”
(Mike Reiter)
Weigle, Christopher Charles (2006)
“Displays for Exploration and Comparison of Nested or Intersecting Surfaces”
(Russell M. Taylor II)
Weigle, Michele A. Clark (2003)
“Investigating the Use of Synchronized Clocks in TCP Congestion Control”
(Kevin Jeffay)
Welch, Gregory F. (1997)
“SCAAT: Incremental Tracking with Incomplete Information”
(Gary Bishop)
Welch, Joshua (2017)
“Computational Methods for Inferring Transcriptome Dynamics”
(Jan Prins)
Welsh, Catherine Elizabeth (2014)
“Computational Tools to Aid the Design and Development of a Genetic Reference Population
(Leonard McMillan)
Wendt, Jeremy (2010)
“Real-Walking Models Improve Walking-In-Place Systems”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Westover, Lee A. (1991)
“SPLATTING: A Parallel, Feed-Forward Volume Rendering Algorithm”
(Turner Whitted)
Whitaker, Ross T. (1993)
“Geometry-Limited Diffusion”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
White, Andrew (2015)
“Practical Analysis of Encrypted Network Traffic”
(Fabian Monrose)
Whitlock, Jr., James Smith (1973)
“Modeling computer systems with time-varying markov chains”
Wilkie, David (2015)
“Simulating, Reconstrucing, & Routing Metropolis-Scale Traffice”
(Ming Lin)
Williams Jr., E. Hollins (1981)
“Analysis of FFP Programs for Parallel Associative Searching”
(Donald F. Stanat)
Willams, Thomas V. (1982)
“A Man-Machine Interface for Interpreting Electron Density Maps”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Wilson, Andrew Thomas (2002)
“Spatially Encoded Image-Space Simplifications for Interactive Walkthrough”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Wright, William V. (1972)
“An Interactive Computer Graphics System for Molecular Studies”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)
Wu, Changchang (2011)
“Geometry-driven Feature Detection for Improving Geometric Reconstruction”
(Jan-Michael Frahm)
Xiao, Qiuyu (2019)
“Efficient Data Protection by Noising, Masking, and Metering”
(Michael Reiter)
Xu, Hao (2012)
“How To Efficiently Implement an OSHL-Based Automatic theorem Prover”
(David Plaisted)
Xu, Yi (2016)
“Toward Robust Video Event Detection and Retrieval Under Adversarial Constraints”
(Jan-Michael Frahm & Fabian Monrose)
Yakowenko, William J. (1999)
“Propositional Theorem Proving by Semantic Tree Trimming for Hardware Verification”
(David A. Plaisted)
Yan, Jingyu (2009)
“Articulated Non-Rigid Shape, Motion and Kinematic Chain Recovery from Video”
(Marc Pollefeys)
Yang, Hua (2008)
“Differential Tracking through Sampling and Linearizing the Local Appearance Manifold”
(Gregory Welch)
Yang, Kecheng (2018)
“Motion Planning for Multi-Agent Systems with Physics-Based and Behavior Constraints”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Yang, Kecheng (2018)
“Real-Time Scheduling on Asymmetric Multiprocessor Platforms”
(Jim Anderson)
Yang, Ruigang (2003)
“View-Dependent Pixel Coloring – A Physically-Based Approach for 2D View
(Gregory Welch)
Yang, Shan (2017)
“Image-Based Non-Rigid Body Mechanical Property Recover”
(Ming Ling)
Yang, Xiao (2017)
“Uncertainty Quantification, Image Synthesis and Deformation Prediction for Image Registration”
(Marc Niethammer)
Yeh, Hengchin (2014)
“Adaptive Modeling of Details for Physcially-based Sound Synthesis & Propogation”
(Ling, Ming)
Yin, Qianwen (2017)
“TCP Rapid: From Theory to Practice”
(Jasleen Kaur)
Yoo, Terry S. (1996)
“Image Geometry Through Multiscale Statistics”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Yoon, Sung-Eui (2005)
“Interactive Visualization and Collision Detection using Dynamic Simplification and Cache-Coherent Layouts”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Yu, Licheng (2019)
“Locate, Tell, Answer and Act: Connecting Vision, Language and Beyond”
(Tamara Berg)
Yushkevich, Paul Alexander (2003)
“Statistical Shape Characterization Using the Medial Representation”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Zarling, Raymond L. (1976)
“Numerical Solution of Nearly Decomposable Queuing Networks”
(Victor L. Wallace)
Zhang, Hansong (1998)
“Effective Occlusion Culling for the Interactive Display of Arbitrary Models”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Zhang, Jingdan (2009)
“Object Detection and Segmentation using Discriminative Learning”
(Leonard McMillan)
Zhang, Jinghe (2013)
“Uncertainty-Driven Adaptive Estimation with Applications in Electrical Power Systems”
(Gregory F. Welch)
Zhang, Liangjun (2009)
“Efficient Motion Planning using Generalized Penetration Depth Computation”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Zhang, Qi (2009)
“Mining Massive Scientific Sequence Data using Block-wise”
Decomposition Methods
(Wei Wang)
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“Efficient, Locality-Maintaining Namespace Operations in a Write-Optimized File System”
(Don Porter)
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“Cache-Based Side-Channel Attacks in Multi-Tenant Public Clouds and Their Countermeasures”
(Mike Reiter)
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“Efficient Computational Genetics Methods for Multiparent Crosses”
(Wei Wang & William Valdar)
Zhao, Qingyu (2017)
“Efficient, Locality-Maintaining Namespace Operations in a Write-Optimized File System”
“Surface Registration for Pharyngeal Radiation Treatment Planning”
(Stephen Pizer)
Zheng, Enliang (2016)
“Toward 3D Reconstruction of Statuic and Dynamic Objects”
(Jan-Michael Frahm)
Zheng, Feng (2015)
“Spatio-Temporal Registration in Augmented Reality”
(Greg Welch)
Zheng, Yu (2014)
“Locomotion Generation & Balance Control of Humanoid Robots Considering External Dynamics & Constraints”
(Lin, Ming)
Zherong, Pan (2019)
“Efficient Motion Planning for Deformable Objects with High Degrees of Freedom”
(Dinesh Manocha)
Zhou, Yipin (2019)
“Learning Beyond-pixel Mappings from Internet Videos”
(Tamara L. Berg)
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“Efficient First-Order Semantic Deduction Techniques”
(David A. Plaisted)
Zimmerman, John B. (1985)
“The Effectiveness of Adaptive Contrast Enhancement”
(Stephen M. Pizer)
Zimmons, Paul Michael (2004)
“The Influence of Lighting Quality on Presence and Task Performance in Virtual Environments”
(Frederick P. Brooks Jr.)