September 26, 2018
Students returning for Fall 2018 will notice three new faces among the computer science faculty. John Majikes, Junier Oliva, and Jeff Terrell were hired in the summer of 2018 and have already begun working with students in various capacities.
John Majikes
John Majikes is a teaching assistant professor in computer science. He earned a doctorate in computer science at North Carolina State University in 2017 and has previously worked in tech companies including IBM and Oracle. Majikes is teaching COMP 116 in Fall 2018, and he looks forward to demystifying computers for his students who lack a background in computer science.
Junier Oliva
Junier Oliva is an assistant professor in computer science. Oliva leads the LUPA Lab, a research group devoted to machine learning and artificial intelligence. He earned a doctorate in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University in 2018. In Fall 2018, Oliva is teaching a COMP 790 special topics course focused on distributions and collections in machine learning.
Jeff Terrell
Jeff Terrell is a professor of the practice in computer science. He will be teaching and mentoring computer science students in software development. Terrell earned a doctorate in computer science from UNC in 2009 and turned his research into Altometrics, a big data startup in Durham. Terrell is currently working to launch an app lab in Sitterson Hall.