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Mohit Bansal

Mohit Bansal

John R. and Louise S. Parker Distinguished Professor

(139) Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2013. Statistical natural language processing and machine learning, with a focus on multimodal, grounded, and embodied semantics (i.e., language with vision and speech, for robotics), human-like language generation and Q&A/dialogue, and interpretable and structured deep learning.


244 Brooks Building

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919-590-6105 Fax


Dr. Mohit Bansal is the John R. & Louise S. Parker Distinguished Professor and the Director of the MURGe-Lab (UNC-NLP Group) in the Department of Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Prior to this, he was a research assistant professor (3-year endowed position) at TTI-Chicago. He received his doctorate from UC Berkeley in 2013 (where he was advised by Dan Klein) and his bachelor’s degree from IIT Kanpur in 2008. His research expertise is in natural language processing and multimodal machine learning, with a particular focus on grounded and embodied semantics, language generation and Q&A/dialogue, and interpretable and generalizable deep learning. He is a recipient of the DARPA Director’s Fellowship, NSF CAREER Award, Google Focused Research Award, Microsoft Investigator Fellowship, Army Young Investigator Award (YIP), DARPA Young Faculty Award (YFA), and outstanding paper awards at ACL, CVPR, EACL, COLING, and CoNLL. His service includes ACL Executive Committee, ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award Committee, CoNLL Program Co-Chair, ACL Americas Sponsorship Co-Chair, and Associate/Action Editor for TACL, CL, IEEE/ACM TASLP, and CSL journals.