Alumni Mailing List
The Department of Computer Science has a mailing alias for its alumni. Subscribers to this list include our graduate and undergraduate alumni, former faculty, and former staff. The list is not all-inclusive; currently it includes as many e-mail addresses as we can find for our alumni, etc. Adding to the subscribers list is an ongoing process.
This list is moderated to ensure that alumni receive only information that will be relevant or of interest to them. The list is also private, which means that only subscribers may obtain a listing of the other people who are subscribed (a list of e-mail addresses only).
To post a message to the list, send e-mail to: alumni (at)
Your message will be sent to the list moderator for approval.
To subscribe to the list, visit this page or send e-mail to: majordomo (at)
In the body of the message, type: subscribe alumni
Your request to subscribe to the mailing list will be forwarded to the list moderator for approval.
The list moderator is the department’s Communications Manager, 590-6151 (pubs (at)