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So now we have two kinds of scheduling: scheduling of threads and scheduling of virtual processors. Scheduling of threads is analogous to the scheduling on uniprocessor machines in that multiple processes are assigned to a single (virtual) processor. Scheduling of virtual processors to multiple physical processors is more tricky.

A straightforward generalization of the uni-processor case is to have a single queue of virtual processors that is serviced by all the physical processors. Tucker and Gupta implemented this scheme and tested it using several concurrent applications. They found that the speedup of applications increases with increase in its virtual processors as long as the number of virtual processors is less than the number of physical processors. However, when the number of virtual processors exceeds the number of physical processors, the speedup dramatically decreases with increase in virtual processors!

There are many reasons for this decrease:

Context switch: We now have the cost of switches to kernels, loading of registers, and possibly loading of translation tables.

Cache corruption: When a physical processor is assigned to a virtual processor of another application, it must reload the cache. The cache miss penalty for some of the scalable multiprocessor systems (such as the Encore Ultramax using Motorola 88000) is high and can lead to a ten times performance degradation.

Spinning: When a virtual processor is preempted, the thread it is executing is also preempted and the thread of some other, previously preempted virtual processor is executed. No useful work may be done by the latter thread since it may be spinning waiting for the former to release a lock or signal a semaphore or send a message. As long as the first thread remains unscheduled, all scheduled threads waiting for it will do no useful work.

One solution to the cache problem is to try to execute a virtual processor on the processor on which it last executed, which may still have some the data of the processor. However, this affinity-based scheduling approach reduces the amount of load balancing the system can do. One solution to the spinning problem is to let each virtual processor tell the system if it is executing a critical section or not and to not preempt a critical VP. However, this smart scheduling approach allows applications to cheat and hog more than their fair share of processors.

Tucker and Gupta propose a better solution, called the process control policy by Mccan et al. The basic idea is to ask (controlled) applications to dynamically reduce the number of ready virtual processors (VPs) when the number of virtual processors created by them exceeds the total number of physical processors. It tries to equally partition the number of processors among the applications, modula the problem that the number of applications may not evenly divide the number of processors and an application may need fewer processors than its quota. The exact algorithm for calculating quotas is as follows. We first assign each application zero processors. We then assign a VP (virtual processor) of each application a processor, and remove an application from consideration if it has no more VPS. We repeat the above step until all processors/applications are exhausted.

When an application is created or terminated in a busy system (that is all physical processors are busy) the system recalculates the quotas of the applications and if necessary asks existing applications exceedings their quotas to preempt existing virtual processors at their next `safe points'. A virtual processor reaches a safe point when it finishes a task or puts it back in the queue. The number of virtual processors may exceed the number of physical processors temporarily, since virtual processors wait until safe points.

The implementation of this scheme is done by a scheduling server. The server keeps track of how many ready virtual processors an application should have. The root virtual processor of each application periodically polls the server to inquire how many virtual processors it should have. Each virtual processor, when it reaches a safe point, checks the current number of virtual processors with the quota. If the application has too many virtual processors, the processor suspend itself, it it has too few, it resumes suspended processors. A process suspends itself by waiting on an unused signal, and a processor resumes another process by sending that signal to that processor.

The process control policy is just one of the possible policies for keeping the number of virtual processors equal to the number of processors. Mccann et all describe several other such policies.

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Prasun Dewan
Mon Apr 23 21:12:39 EDT 2001