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Kinds of Processes

A multiprocessor system can execute application processes simultaneously. What kind of processes should it support? One simple approach is to use a Unix or Xinu like approach of supporting one kind of process in the system, which are scheduled by the OS. In the Xinu case, it would be a lwp while in the Unix case it would be a hwp. The kernel would simply now schedule as many processes as there are processors.

A problem with this approach is that any practical system, unlike Xinu, would support hwps. If we support only one kind of processes, then the cost of context switching the hwps would be high (requires entering the kernel, changing page tables). Thus, this approach does not encourage fine-grained parallelism because of the high cost of concurrency.

Therefore the solution is to support both lwps and hwps. For a process to be truly a lwp, not only must it not require loading of translation tables, but it must also not require kernel code to do the context switching, because of the high cost of entering the kernel. Therefore, the solution seems to be support lwps in user code within a hwp.

The problem with this solution of course is that user-level code does not have the rights to bind processes to processors and thus cannot schedule lwps on multiple processors. The kernel has the rights to do so, but it does not know about the lwps, since they are implemented entirely in user-level code. So we need a more elaborate scheme to give us fine-grained concurrency at low cost.

The solution, described in Mcann et al, is to support three kinds of entities. One, applications or jobs, which like Unixs hwp define address spaces but unlike Unix do not define threads. These are known to the kernel. Second, virtual processors, which are known to the kernel, and are executed in the context (address space) of some application.

Each application creates a certain number of vps based on the concurrency of the application (that is, the number of threads that can be active simultaneously) and other factors we shall see later. As far as the kernel is considered, these are the units of scheduling. It divides the physical processors among the virtual processors created by the different applications. Third, threads or tasks, which are lwps supported in user-level code and scheduled by the virtual processors. Like a Xinu kernel, a virtual processor schedules lwps: the difference is that multiple virtual processors share a common pool of lwps.

Thus, an application thread is not bound to a virtual processor - All ready application threads are queued in a ready queue serviced by the multiple virtual processors.

Now we have a scheme that provides the benefit we wanted. Fine- grained concurrency is provided in user-level code by a virtual processor, which switches the threads. Large-grained concurrency is provided by kernel-level code, which switches among the virtual processors. The net results is that multiple threads of an application can be executing at the same time (on different virtual processors) and the cost of switching among threads is low!

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Prasun Dewan
Mon Apr 23 21:12:39 EDT 2001