Exercises for Lesson 3

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Exercise 1: Operations on ints and floats

For this exercise, predict the output and then type each of the following commands in IDLE. We’ll discuss the results shortly.

1a: basic operations

>>> print(7 + 3.0)

>>> print(7.0 - 3.0)

>>> print(7 * 3)

>>> print(7 ** 3)

>>> print(7 / 3)

>>> print(7.0 / 3)

>>> print(7 // 3)

>>> print(7 % 3)

1b: type conversions

>>> int(2.718)

>>> round(2.718)

>>> float(2.718)

>>> float(round(2.718))

>>> float("2.718")

>>> int("2.718")

>>> float("2,718")

Exercise 2: The price of pizza

Write a program that calculates the cost per square inch of a circular pizza, given its diameter and price. The formula for area is .

(Hint: you should use the math library!)

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Exercise 3: Practice with binary

What number (in base 10) does each of the following binary numbers represent? (Note that I’ve added a space in between the groups of four to help with readability.)

a)   0110 0010

b)   1001 0010

c)   1111 1111

d)   0000 1111

e)   0101 0101

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