Exam Information

Final Exam

Mon, May 10

In class time, online (in GradeScope), 180 mins nominal (3 hours). I will set the time for 4 hours to allow for internet burps. Once you start the exam you have 4 consecutive hours to complete it and submit it.

As with the midterm, I have set a 24 hour window for completing the exam. This means you will have a 20 hour window to begin the exam once it opens (opens at 12:00 noon Chapel Hill time, on Monday May 10) and then the 4 hours to complete the exam once you have started it.

I recomment you come to class and take the exam in the exam time slot. We will have the zoom room open during exam time Monday May 10, so you can ask me clarifying questions. I will not be on zoom after that during the 24 hour window.

Exam format:
The exam will be in-class, closed notes, closed book, closed phone, closed smart watches, closed implanted internet-enabled brain chips, closed neighbors and friends, open your brain.
All work will be done in GradeScope It will be pledged work. You may not be in communication with others while you are working on the exam. You also may not be in communication with others after the exam as they may still be working on their exam. We will close Piazza for the 24 hour slot during the exam to help everyone remember to not discuss the work.

Materials to study: (this is a help, not a guarantee)
These are past final exams that may help you study. To use them you will need to select questions that relate to our studies this semester and ignore questions on topics we did not cover.
Final study guide      And more Final study guide      study guide: hashing
partial answers 1      partial answers 2      answer: hashing
Final Fall 2015   (key)      Final Spring 2016   (key)
Final Spring 2019

Midterm Exam

Mon, Mar. 22

In class time, online (in GradeScope), 75 mins nominal but more like 2 hrs to allow for internet burps. You will have a 24 hour window (really 22 hours) to begin the exam once it opens. It will open at class time Monday. Once you start you will have 2 hours to complete it.

I recomment you come to class and take the exam in class time. We will have the zoom room open during class time Monday so you can ask me clarifying questions. I will not be on zoom after that during the 24 hour window.


In Sakai look for "Midterm Exam Practice" in the Exams tab. You will be able to "take" this exam and see how you are doing mastering some of the material (this study exam does not have Java on it, and your actual midterm will).

Exam format:
The exam will be in-class, closed notes, closed book, closed phone, closed smart watches, closed implanted internet-enabled brain chips, closed neighbors and friends, open your brain.
All work will be done in GradeScope It will be pledged work. You may not be in communication with others while you are working on the exam. You also may not be in communication with others after the exam as they may be still working on theirs. We will close Piazza for the 24 hour slot during the exam to help everyone remember to not discuss the work.

Materials to study: (this is a help, not a guarantee)

Other Sample exams

The following will give you an idea of what an exam will be like.

Ignore questions on topics we have not studied .
The material in this course does evolve over time, and the past exams were based on 1 midterm, not on 2 midterms.

Study Guide (key)
Prior exam with solutions
Answer Key for Fall 2016
Another Midterm
Yet Another Midterm