Proving the LOOP function

We must demonstrate that our guess is good, i.e.

   f = [WHILE]
     = ( R < Y --> ident ) | ( R >= Y and Y > 0 --> Q,R := Q+R/Y, R mod Y )
  1. show f behaves like identity when the loop boolean is false
  2. show dom(f) = dom([WHILE])

    Showing this involves a termination argument, since dom([WHILE]) is defined as all states such that the loop terminates when executed in that state.
    The loop obviously always terminates when R When R>=Y it fails to terminate if Y<0 since R would increase each time through the body.
    So, dom([WHILE]) is ( R < Y or ( R >= Y and Y > 0) ).
    From the definition of f, we see a clause to handle each disjunct of the dom([WHILE]) expression.