0. Complete the Prerequisites

Before continuing on, make sure you’ve claimed the computer scientist you’d like to research by signing up for a presentation slot here. Please also add your slide to the slide deck before presentation day. You can find the slide deck here.

1. The Report

Your task is to write a one-page report about a notable computer scientist that is part of a historically underrepresented community in computer science and technology in the United States.

The ACT Report (2021) specifies that not all Asian communities are underrepresented in the US technology industry, but recognizes that this does not apply to all subgroups (specifically South and Southeast Asian communities). The report also clarifies that this does not imply that Asian communities who are represented do not experience bias or discrimination within the field, but rather that they do not encounter lack of community or representation, factors that are prevalent when thinking about sense of belonging and retention. While we value the contributions of our Asian/Asian American community members, as a department we will focus on addressing the extreme deficit of representation and advocacy for Black/African American, Latino/a/x/Hispanic, South/Southeast Asian or Pacific Islander, Indigenous, women, veterans, LGBTQ+ (including trans and gender non-binary), students with mental/physical disabilities first-generation, low-income, and neurodiverse students.

2. Requirements

The report must be:

You may need to create an Overleaf account. Please send me an email or post on Piazza if you run into any issues. The template shows an example of how to add citations and subsections.

2. Submit to Gradescope for Grading

All that’s left now is to hand-in your work on Gradescope for grading. Download/export the PDF from Overleaf, and upload it to the Report assignment on Gradescope.