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Busy Waiting

Another possible technique for mutual exclusion is to use busy waiting. We can introduce a Boolean variable called mutex that is set to true when an activity is in a critical section, to false otherwise. A process executes the following code before it enters a critical section:

while  mutex do 
    do nothing
mutex <- true;
and the following code when it exits the region:
mutex <- false

Unfortunately, this code is wrong. If two processes start executing the while loop at the same time, they might both get past the loop and enter their regions. The problem is that the checking and setting of the Boolean are done in two statements. A process that has tested the Boolean variable may be rescheduled before it sets the variable.

Let us assume that the `test and set' can be done in one instruction, so that the code looks like:

while  (TestAndSet(mutex)) do 
    do nothing
where TestAndSet looks like:
atomic function TestAndSet (var Lock: Boolean): Boolean;
    TestAndSet <- Lock;
    Lock <- true
end TestAndSet;
Several computers offer such an instruction. Even then the solution is not good since the CPU may spend a lot of time executing the while loop which does no useful work. In particular, if the `waiting' process is a high priority process waiting for a lower priority process to set the Boolean variable to false, the CPU will spend all its time executing the loop.

Prasun Dewan
Mon Mar 29 12:02:16 EST 1999