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Software Interrupt

We can introduce a service call that lets one process cause a software interrupt in another:

Interrupt(process id, interrupt number)
and another that allows a process to associate a handler with an interrupt:
Handle(interrupt number, handler)

Software interrupts are often used by an operating system to inform a process about the following events:
The user typed the ``attention key''.
An alarm scheduled by the process has expired.
Some limit, such as file size or virtual time, has been exceeded.

It is important to distinguish among interrupts, traps, software interrupts, and exceptions. In all cases, an event is processed asyncrhonously by some handler procedure. Interrupt and trap numbers are defined by the hardware which is also responsible for calling the procedure in the kerneal space Software trap numbers are defined by the operating system which is responsible for calling a procedure in the user space. An interrupt handler is called in response to a signal from another device while a trap handler is called in response to an instruction executed within the cpu.

A software interrupt handler is called in response to the invocation of a system call. Exceptions are processed by the programming language. An exception raised in some block, b, of some process p, can be caught by a handler in the same block, or a block/procedure (in p) along static/dynamic links from b, or by a process q that (directly or indirectly) forked p. The rasiser of an exception does not identify which process should handle it, so exceptions are not IPC mechanisms.

The notion of software interrupts is somewhat confused in some environments such as the PC, where traps to kernel-provided I/O routines are called software interrupts. There is a special instruction on the PC called INT which is used to invoke these traps. For instance, the instruction

int 16H

executes a software interrupt routine for processing the current character received from the keyboard. The term interrupt is used because these rountines are called in usually called by hardware interrupt routines. We are using the term software interrupts for what Unix calls signals, which are not to be confused with semaphores, though you invoke the signal operation on both!

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Prasun Dewan
Mon Feb 15 12:38:36 EST 1999