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The Access Matrix Again

Consider the final version of the access matrix we defined. It described for each user and object in the system a set of object-independent access rights. All processes started by a user inherited the access rights of the user.

There are several problems with this version of the access matrix:

All processes started by a process have all the access rights of the user. This is undesirable since a process, typically, needs access to a small set of objects to do its job. For instance a process executing a calendar program needs to access, among the different files in the system, only the `calendar file' that defines a set of appointments, a process executing the compiler needs to access the input source files, the object files, and a few temporary files, and a process that prints the contents of a file needs access only to that file. Giving a process more rights than it needs to do its job violates the "need-to-know" or "least privilege" principle, which says that a process must have the least privilege needed to do its job, or in other words, it should have access to only those objects it needs to know about.

The access rights of a process are fixed while it is executing. This again is undesirable, since the set of objects a process needs to access, typically, changes dynamically. For instance, a compiler after reading a source file, no longer needs access to that file.

A process cannot amplify its access rights to include those that are not available to the user on whose behalf it is executing. Such amplification is necessary to do certain kinds of tasks. For instance a mail program invoked in Unix needs to be able to create a mail file in the directory /usr/spool/mail, which is writeable only by root.

The access rights are object-independent and thus not of a fine enough granularity. For instance Unix supports the access rights: read, write, and execute. Often it is important to distinguish between different kinds of reads. As an example consider a bibliography created by some user who has also put, for each item, an annotation describing his view of the referenced paper. He may want to allow his colleagues to read the reference items, but not the annotations. (Some of bibliography items may reference papers written by his colleagues!) Unix, however, does not distinguish between these two kinds of object-defined `reads'. Thus the author of the database has to either give no read access to the file or full read access.

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Prasun Dewan
Tue Apr 20 15:42:22 EDT 2004