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Process to Process Communication: UDP and TCP/IP

So far we have seen how arbitrary hosts communicate with each other. How do arbitrary processes on different machines communicate with each other?

One approach to such communication is illustrated by the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) which is a layer above the Internet. The unit of transfer in this layer is the UDP datagram, and the destination is an input port within a host.

Thus, the destination of a message is specified as the pair (host, port). A UDP datagram is embedded in the data field of the Internet datagram, and contains its own header and data areas. The UDP header identifies the destination port and a reply port. Appropriate software distributes the datagrams reaching a host onto the queues of appropriate ports.

UDP provides unreliable delivery: datagrams may be lost due to electrical interference, congestion, or physical disconnection. Often processes require a communication protocol that provides reliable delivery. One such protocol built on top of IP is TCP (for Transmission Control Protocol). TCP/IP supports end-to-end stream communication: a stream is established by connecting to it and terminated by closing it. To support reliable delivery, each packet is acknowledged. Should the acknowledgement also be acknowledged? If so, what about the ack of the ack of the ack, an so on...? The answer is that the ack is not acked. Instead, if the sender does not send the ack within some transmission period, T, it retransmits the packet, and repeats the process till it gets the ack. This process is expected but not guaranteed to terminate as long as the remote machine/network is not down. After a certain number of tries, the sender gives up and closes the connection.

Retransmission can result in duplicate packets being received at the sending site. As discussed below, TCP/IP allows a packet to be sent without waiting for the acknowledgement of the previous packet. Packets are associated with sequence numbers to distinguish between normal packets and duplicates. A packet with a sequence number less than or equal to the last one received successfully is discarded as a duplicate. However, its ack is resent since the ack for the original packet may have been lost.

The system allows a sequence of packets within a sliding window to have outstanding acknowledgements. This approach increases the concurrency in the system since packets and acks can be travelling simultaneously on the system. It also reduces the number of messages in the system since an ack for a packet simply indicates the next expected sequence number, thereby implicitly acking for all messages with a lower sequence number. With each ack, the transmission window slides forward past the message acked, hence the term sliding window. TCP/IP allows the size of the sliding window to vary depending on how much buffer space the receiver has and how much congestion there is in then network. TCP/IP connections are two-way and an ack for a packet received from a machine can be piggybacked on a message sent to that machine.

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Prasun Dewan
Tue Feb 3 12:03:48 EST 2004