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The Dynamic policy tries to solve this problem. Under this policy, when a VP of an application cannot find any application thread, it tells the system that it is willing to yield. Conversely, an application advertises to the system how many additional VPs it could use. When an application asks for additional VPS, the system tries, first, to give it any unallocated physical processors. If none are found, it tries to give it those busy processors whose VPS are willing to yield. If none are found, it tries to enforce equal partition of the processors like the process control and Equipartition policies.

Unlike the Equipartition and process control policies, this policy forces immediate preemption, not waiting for the next convenient point. Of course this has the disadvantage that the VP preempted might have been executing a critical section. Therefore, the system tries to choose a VP of an application that is not executing a critical section. If it cannot find such a VP it simply picks one. Each thread tells the system whether it is currently executing critical or non critical code. Of course a thread can cheat, but it is competing with threads of the same application, so there is no incentive to cheat.

But there is the chance that an application's virtual processor may cheat and not be willing to yield even when it has no application thread to give up. It may be sufficient to assume that everyone uses a library that enforces this policy. Even then, for fairness sake, it may be useful to preferentially treat applications that have been willing to yield, just as it is useful to preferentially treat applications that do not take too much compute time. One approach is to define a credit function, that keeps track of the history of an application's allocation. A job can ask for more than its fair share of processors if it has sufficient credit. One way to define the credit at time T for an application is:

Sum (t = 1 to T) N - A(t)
where A(t) is the number of processors allocated at time to the job and N is the total number of processors in the system. Unfortunately, this approach does not take into account the importance of yielding processors during high contention `rush hours'. So the policy actually supported in Dynamic is:
Sum (t = 1 to T) E(t) - A(t)
where E(t) is the application's fair share of the processors at time t. Thus, it gives extra credit to applications that yield processors during high contention.

It may be useful to delay a small amount before advertising that a VP is willing to yield, just in case a new thread is created during that time. This lazy yielding scheme can significantly reduce the number of preemptions.

The policy has been implemented by McCann et al on top of the DYNIX operating system. As before, a server process, called the processor allocator, implements the policy outside the kernel. An existing OS ( DYNIX) has been modified to allow server processes to dynamically request binding and unbinding of virtual processors to physical processors, which is used by the processor allocator to do the preemptive scheduling. A modified (PRESTO) library is used to implement threads, which communicates with the processor allocator using shared memory. Whenever a VP finds the thread Queue empty, it sets a flag to notify the allocator, and continues to poll the Queue. If the allocator suspends it, then the polling is stopped until the time it is rescheduled. At that time it continues to examine the Queue and resets the flag if the Queue becomes non empty.

Since the allocator is doing the scheduling, it has the responsibility of unbinding a VP that blocks because of an asynchronous event such as I/O that it does not know about. It needs an indirect method to determine if a process is blocked or not. To detect blockings, it puts a null process behind the bound VP in the queue of a physical processor. The null process simply notifies the allocator (using shared memory) that it has been activated, and does a wait. The allocator then unbinds the VP and sends a signal to the blocked VP. When the VP is unblocked, it executes a special signal handler that tells the allocator that it has unblocked and is ready to run. At this point, the system has to find a new processor.

It uses the following algorithm to decide if a suspended VP should run immediately and the processor it should execute on. If the VP was executing critical code and the quota of its application was fully used, then it tries to find a willing to yield VP and preempts that virtual processor. If it cannot find one, it simply preempts some VP of the same application.

If the VP was not executing critical code and the quota was fully used, then it puts its thread in the application Q, so that some other VP can execute it. At this point the application may request additional VPs.

If the quota was not used then it simply lets the VP run, preempting a VP of some other application if necessary using the algorithm we discussed earlier.

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Prasun Dewan
Mon Apr 23 21:12:39 EDT 2001