# # Makefile for worm, a simple Xinu example # "make a.out" will make a standalone executable # "make worm.o" will make the object module which can be loaded into the shell # .SUFFIXES:.o .c .s DIR = {Xinu-directory} CFLAGS = -c -I../../../h AFLAGS = -u $(DIR)/include/sys.s SIZE = $(DIR)/bin/size11 PRINT = $(DIR)/bin/cprint LORDER = $(DIR)/bin/lorder11 RANLIB = $(DIR)/bin/ranlib11 LIB = $(DIR)/lib XINUDIR = $(DIR)/src/sys/sys HEADERS = game.h .c.o: $(HEADERS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< GAMEFILES = main.o \ mesg.o \ mover.o \ plotter.o \ referee.o \ robot.o \ targeter.o \ timedgetchar.o \ utils.o worm.o: $(GAMEFILES) $(LD) -r -o worm.o $(GAMEFILES) install: worm.o /bin/cp worm.o .. a.out: worm.o test.o $(LD) -e _start -N -X -T 00004000 $(XINUDIR)/xinu.o test.o worm.o $(XINUDIR)/libx.a $(LIB)/libxc.a $(XINUDIR)/libx.a -o b.out cp b.out pm.out strip b.out;dd if=b.out of=a.out ibs=32 skip=1