Shell Directory README This directory contains the source for the Xinu shell and sample set of commands. When make runs, it produces a library (libS.a) that contains object files for all commands (x_zzz.c). It then compiles the shell (addarg.c ascdate.c login.c shell.c) and links it together with commands that are referenced to produce a single object file (sh.o). Files cmd.h and shell.h are linked to ../../h/cmd.h and ../../h/shell.h to make it convenient to share them between the rest of the kernel and files here. To change the command set, edit cmd.h and change the list defined by CMDS. Each entry consists of a command name to recognize, a Boolean that specifies whether the command should be run as a builtin (as opposed to running it as a separate process), and a procedure to call for that command. File cmd.h also contains extern declarations for all of the procedures mentioned in CMDS. Note 1: Some commands cannot be inserted and/or removed without modifying the rest of the kernel. In particular, the ruptime command cannot be used unless the kernel is compiled to execute the rwho daemon. Note 2: The system comes on the distribution tape with all the commands configured in it. This leaves very little of the LSI 11's 16-bit address space for modifications or additions. We suggest removing commands like create, snap, rls, and echo. You can gain considerably more space by removing ruptime, uptime, and the rwho daemons.