%token DEFBRK COLON OCTAL INTEGER IDENT CSR IVEC OVEC IRQ IINT OINT INIT OPEN CLOSE READ WRITE SEEK CNTL IS ON GETC PUTC %{ #include #define NIL (dvptr)0 #define CONFIGC "conf.c" /* name of .c output */ #define CONFIGH "../h/conf.h" /* name of .h output */ #define CONFHREF "" /* how conf.h referenced*/ #define CONFIGIN "Configuration" /* name of input file */ #define IRQBASE 32 FILE *confc; FILE *confh; char *dbstr; int ndevs = 0; int currname = -1; int currtname = -1; int currdname = -1; int brkcount = 0; struct syment { /* symbol table */ char *symname; int symoccurs; } symtab[250]; int nsym = 0; int lookup(); int linectr = 1; char *doing = "device type declaration"; char *s; struct dvtype { char *dvname; /* device name (not used in types)*/ char *dvtname; /* type name */ int dvtnum; /* symbol table index of type */ char *dvdevice; /* device name */ int dvcsr; /* Control Status Register addr */ int dvivec; /* input interrupt vector */ int dvovec; /* Output interrupt vector */ char dviint[20]; /* input interrupt routine */ char dvoint[20]; /* output interrupt routine */ char dvinit[20]; /* init routine name */ char dvopen[20]; /* open routine name */ char dvclose[20]; /* close routine name */ char dvread[20]; /* read routine name */ char dvwrite[20]; /* write routine name */ char dvcntl[20]; /* control routine name */ char dvseek[20]; /* seek routine name */ char dvgetc[20]; /* getc routine name */ char dvputc[20]; /* putc routine name */ int dvminor; /* device number 0,1,... */ struct dvtype *dvnext; /* next node on the list */ }; typedef struct dvtype *dvptr; dvptr ftypes = NIL; /* linked list of device types */ dvptr devs = NIL; /* linked list of device decls. */ dvptr lastdv = NIL; dvptr currtype = NIL; char *ftout[] = {"struct\tdevsw\t{\t\t\t/* device table entry */\n", "\tint\tdvnum;\n", "\tchar\t*dvname;\n", "\tint\t(*dvinit)();\n", "\tint\t(*dvopen)();\n", "\tint\t(*dvclose)();\n", "\tint\t(*dvread)();\n", "\tint\t(*dvwrite)();\n", "\tint\t(*dvseek)();\n", "\tint\t(*dvgetc)();\n", "\tint\t(*dvputc)();\n", "\tint\t(*dvcntl)();\n", "\tint\tdvcsr;\n", "\tint\tdvivec;\n", "\tint\tdvovec;\n", "\tint\t(*dviint)();\n", "\tint\t(*dvoint)();\n", "\tchar\t*dvioblk;\n", "\tint\tdvminor;\n", "\t};\n\n", "extern\tstruct\tdevsw devtab[];", "\t\t/* one entry per device */\n\n", NULL}; int atoi(); %} %% config.input : devicetypes devicedescriptors ; devicetypes : ftypes DEFBRK {doing = "device definitions";} ; ftypes : /**/ | ftypes ftype ; ftype : tname device.list ; device.list : devheader attribute.list | device.list devheader attribute.list ; devheader : ON id {mktype($2);} ; tname : id COLON {$$ = currtname = cktname($1);} ; id : IDENT {$$ = currname = lookup(yytext,yyleng); } ; attribute.list : /**/ | attribute.list attribute ; attribute : CSR number {newattr(CSR,$2);} | IVEC number {newattr(IVEC,$2);} | OVEC number {newattr(OVEC,$2);} | IRQ number {newattr(IRQ,$2 +IRQBASE);} | IINT id {newattr(IINT,$2);} | OINT id {newattr(OINT,$2);} | OPEN id {newattr(OPEN,$2);} | CLOSE id {newattr(CLOSE,$2);} | INIT id {newattr(INIT,$2);} | GETC id {newattr(GETC,$2);} | PUTC id {newattr(PUTC,$2);} | READ id {newattr(READ,$2);} | WRITE id {newattr(WRITE,$2);} | SEEK id {newattr(SEEK,$2);} | CNTL id {newattr(CNTL,$2);} ; number : INTEGER {$$ = atoi(yytext,yyleng);} ; devicedescriptors : /**/ | devicedescriptors descriptor ; descriptor : fspec attribute.list ; fspec : dname IS id optional.on {mkdev($1,$3,$4);} ; dname : id {$$ = currdname = ckdname($1);} ; optional.on : /**/ {$$ = 0;} | ON id {$$ = $2;} ; %% #include "lex.yy.c" main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int n, i, j, l, fcount; dvptr s; int verbose = 0; char *p; char c; if (argc>1 && (strcmp("-v",argv[1])==0)) { argc--; argv++; verbose++; } if (argc>2) { fprintf(stderr,"use: config [-v] [file]\n"); exit(1); } if (verbose) printf("Opening input file...\n"); if (argc == 2) { if (freopen(argv[1], "r", stdin) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open %s\n",argv[1]); exit(1); } } else { /* try to open Configuration file */ if (freopen(CONFIGIN, "r", stdin) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open %s\n", CONFIGIN); exit(1); } } /* Parse the Configuration file */ if (verbose) printf("Parsing configuration specs...\n"); if ((n=yyparse()) != 0) exit(n); /* write config.h and config.c */ if (verbose) printf("Opening output files...\n"); if ( (confc=fopen(CONFIGC,"w") ) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't write on %s\n", CONFIGC); exit(1); } if ( (confh=fopen(CONFIGH,"w") ) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't write on %s\n", CONFIGH); exit(1); } fprintf(confh, "/* conf.h (GENERATED FILE; DO NOT EDIT) */\n"); fprintf(confc, "/* conf.c (GENERATED FILE; DO NOT EDIT) */\n"); fprintf(confc, "\n#include %s\n", CONFHREF); fprintf(confh, "\n#define\tNULLPTR\t(char *)0\n"); if (verbose) printf("Writing output...\n"); fprintf(confh,"\n/* Device table declarations */\n"); for (i=0 ; (p=ftout[i])!=NULL ; i++) fprintf(confh, "%s", p); /* write device declarations and definitions; count type refs. */ fprintf(confh, "\n/* Device name definitions */\n\n"); for (i=0,s=devs; s!=NIL ; s=s->dvnext,i++) { fprintf(confh, "#define\t%-12s%d\t\t\t/* type %-8s */\n", s->dvname, i, s->dvtname); s->dvminor = symtab[s->dvtnum].symoccurs++; } /* write count of device types */ fprintf(confh,"\n/* Control block sizes */\n\n"); for (i=0 ; i 0) { fprintf(confh, "#define\tN%s\t%d\n", symtab[i].symname, symtab[i].symoccurs); } if (ndevs > 0) fprintf(confh, "\n#define\tNDEVS\t%d\n\n", ndevs); /* empty symbol table, collect, and write names of all I/O routines */ nsym = 0; for (s=devs; s!=NIL ; s=s->dvnext) { lookup(s->dvinit,strlen(s->dvinit)); lookup(s->dvopen,strlen(s->dvopen)); lookup(s->dvclose,strlen(s->dvclose)); lookup(s->dvread,strlen(s->dvread)); lookup(s->dvwrite,strlen(s->dvwrite)); lookup(s->dvseek,strlen(s->dvseek)); lookup(s->dvcntl,strlen(s->dvcntl)); lookup(s->dvgetc,strlen(s->dvgetc)); lookup(s->dvputc,strlen(s->dvputc)); lookup(s->dviint,strlen(s->dviint)); lookup(s->dvoint,strlen(s->dvoint)); } fprintf(confh, "/* Declarations of I/O routines referenced */\n\n"); for (i=0 ; i 0) { fprintf(confc, "struct\tdevsw\tdevtab[NDEVS] = {\n"); fprintf(confc, "\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", "/* Format of entries is:", "device-number, device-name,", "init, open, close,", "read, write, seek,", "getc, putc, cntl,", "device-csr-address, input-vector, output-vector,", "iint-handler, oint-handler, control-block, minor-device,", "*/"); } for (fcount=0,s=devs ; s!=NIL ; s=s->dvnext,fcount++) { fprintf(confc, "\n/* %s is %s */\n\n",s->dvname,s->dvtname); fprintf(confc, "%d, \"%s\",\n", fcount, s->dvname); fprintf(confc, "%s, %s, %s,\n", s->dvinit, s->dvopen, s->dvclose); fprintf(confc, "%s, %s, %s,\n", s->dvread, s->dvwrite, s->dvseek); fprintf(confc, "%s, %s, %s,\n", s->dvgetc, s->dvputc, s->dvcntl); fprintf(confc, "0%06o, 0%03o, 0%03o,\n", s->dvcsr, s->dvivec, s->dvovec); fprintf(confc, "%s, %s, NULLPTR, %d", s->dviint, s->dvoint, s->dvminor); if ( s->dvnext != NIL ) fprintf(confc, ",\n"); else fprintf(confc, "\n\t};"); } /* Copy definitions to output */ if (brkcount == 2 && verbose) printf("Copying definitions to %s...\n", CONFIGH); if (brkcount == 2 ) while ( (c=input()) > 0) /* lex input routine */ putc(c, confh); /* guarantee conf.c written later than conf.c for make */ fclose(confh); fprintf(confc, "\n"); fclose(confc); /* finish up and write report for user if requested */ if (verbose) { printf("\nConfiguration complete. Number of devs=%d:\n\n",ndevs); for (s=devs; s!=NIL ; s=s->dvnext) printf( "Device %s (on %s) csr=0%-7o, ivec=0%-3o, ovec=0%-3o, minor=%d\n", s->dvname, s->dvdevice, s->dvcsr, s->dvivec, s->dvovec, s->dvminor); } } yyerror(s) char *s; { fprintf(stderr,"Syntax error in %s on line %d\n", doing,linectr); } /* lookup -- lookup a name in the symbol table; return position */ lookup(str,len) char *str; int len; { int i; char *s; if (len >= 20) { len = 19; fprintf(stderr,"warning: name %s truncated\n",str); } s = (char *)malloc(len+1); strncpy(s,str,len); s[len] = '\000'; for (i=0 ; i 0; ++p, --len) { rv *= base; if (isdigit(*p)) rv += *p - '0'; else if (isupper(*p)) rv += *p - 'A' + 10; else rv += *p - 'a' + 10; } return rv; } /* newattr -- add a new attribute spec to current type/device description */ newattr(tok,val) int tok; /* token type (attribute type) */ int val; /* symbol number of value */ { char *c; dvptr s; if (devs == NIL) /* doing types */ s = currtype; else s = lastdv; if (val>=0 && val 20 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Internal overflow\n"); exit(1); } } else c = NULL; switch (tok) { case CSR: s->dvcsr = val; break; case IVEC: s->dvivec = val; break; case OVEC: s->dvovec = val; break; case IRQ: s->dvovec = s->dvivec = val; break; case IINT: strcpy(s->dviint,c); break; case OINT: strcpy(s->dvoint,c); break; case READ: strcpy(s->dvread,c); break; case WRITE: strcpy(s->dvwrite,c); break; case GETC: strcpy(s->dvgetc,c); break; case PUTC: strcpy(s->dvputc,c); break; case OPEN: strcpy(s->dvopen,c); break; case CLOSE: strcpy(s->dvclose,c); break; case INIT: strcpy(s->dvinit,c); break; case SEEK: strcpy(s->dvseek,c); break; case CNTL: strcpy(s->dvcntl,c); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Internal error 1\n"); } } /* cktname -- check type name for duplicates */ cktname(symid) int symid; { dvptr s; extern dvptr ftypes; char *name; name = symtab[symid].symname; for (s=ftypes; s!=NIL ; s=s->dvnext) { if (s->dvtname == name) { fprintf(stderr,"Duplicate type name %s on line %d\n", name,linectr); exit(1); } } return(symid); } /* mktype -- make a node in the type list and initialize to defaults */ mktype(deviceid) int deviceid; { dvptr s,p; char *tn,*dn; p = NIL; tn = symtab[currtname].symname; dn = symtab[deviceid].symname; for (s = ftypes; s!=NIL ; s=s->dvnext) { if (s->dvtname == tn && s->dvdevice==dn) { fprintf(stderr, "Duplicate device %s for type %s on line %d\n", dn, tn, linectr); exit(1); } p = s; } currtype = s = (dvptr) malloc( sizeof(struct dvtype)); if (ftypes != NIL) { p->dvnext = s; } else { ftypes = s; } initattr(s, currtname, deviceid); } /* initialize attributes in a type declaration node to typename... */ initattr(fstr, tnum, deviceid) dvptr fstr; int tnum; int deviceid; { char *typnam; typnam = symtab[tnum].symname; fstr->dvname = NULL; fstr->dvtname = typnam; fstr->dvtnum = tnum; fstr->dvdevice = symtab[deviceid].symname; fstr->dvcsr = 0; fstr->dvivec = 0; fstr->dvovec = 0; strcpy(fstr->dviint,typnam); strcat(fstr->dviint,"iin"); strcpy(fstr->dvoint,typnam); strcat(fstr->dvoint,"oin"); strcpy(fstr->dvinit,typnam); strcat(fstr->dvinit,"init"); strcpy(fstr->dvopen,typnam); strcat(fstr->dvopen,"open"); strcpy(fstr->dvclose,typnam); strcat(fstr->dvclose,"close"); strcpy(fstr->dvread,typnam); strcat(fstr->dvread,"read"); strcpy(fstr->dvwrite,typnam); strcat(fstr->dvwrite,"write"); strcpy(fstr->dvcntl,typnam); strcat(fstr->dvcntl,"control"); strcpy(fstr->dvseek,typnam); strcat(fstr->dvseek,"seek"); strcpy(fstr->dvgetc,typnam); strcat(fstr->dvgetc,"getc"); strcpy(fstr->dvputc,typnam); strcat(fstr->dvputc,"putc"); fstr->dvminor = 0; } /* mkdev -- make a node on the device list */ mkdev(nameid, typid, deviceid) int nameid, typid, deviceid; { dvptr s; char *devn,*tn,*dn; int found; s = (dvptr) malloc(sizeof(struct dvtype)); s->dvnext = NIL; if (devs == NIL) { devs = s; lastdv = s; } else { lastdv->dvnext = s; lastdv = s; } ndevs++; tn = symtab[typid].symname; devn = symtab[nameid].symname; if (deviceid >= 0) dn = symtab[deviceid].symname; else dn = NULL; found = 0; for (s=ftypes ; s != NULL ; s=s->dvnext) if (s->dvtname == tn && (dn==NULL || s->dvdevice==dn)) { strdup(lastdv,s,sizeof(struct dvtype)); found=1; break; } if (found==0) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad type or device name in declaration of %s on line %d\n", devn, linectr); exit(1); } lastdv->dvnext = NIL; lastdv->dvname = devn; } /* chdname -- check for duplicate device name */ ckdname(devid) int devid; { dvptr s; extern dvptr devs; char *name; name = symtab[devid].symname; for (s=devs; s!=NIL ; s=s->dvnext) { if (s->dvname == name) { fprintf(stderr,"Duplicate device name %s on line %d\n", name,linectr); exit(1); } } return(devid); } strdup(tostr,fromstr,len) char *tostr, *fromstr; int len; { for( ; len > 0 ; len--) *tostr++ = *fromstr++; }