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Kernel Processes

So far we have assumed that the kernel is a bunch of procedures encapsulated within files or modules and monitors. We now discuss a different approach that structures the kernel as a bunch of cooperating kernel processes. Each of these processes could be responsible for a logical subset of the services offered by the kernel. Thus one process could be responsible for scheduling, another for managing disk I/O, a third for processing information received from other computers and so on.

There are some advantages of supporting kernel processes:

The kernel is well-structured since kernel services are encapsulated within the processes that provide them. This encapsulation is similar to the one provided by modules and monitors. (Recall the Lauer and Needham paper on the duality of operating systems).

Kernel code does not have to run as part of user processes. In a system that does not support kernel processes, all kernel code runs as part of user processes. For example in Xinu, when a service call is made, the kernel code to service the call runs as part of the process that made the call. In a system that supports kernel processes, the service call would result in a message to a kernel process, which would then execute the appropriate code. In some ways the latter approach is more `elegant'.

In a multiprocessor system kernel processes could execute concurrently.

The idea of kernel processes may seem contradictory to our discussion of the minimum functionality provided by a kernel. If a kernel is responsible for supporting processes and interprocess communication, how can it use these facilities itself? Here are two solutions:

Kernel processes and communication among them may be supported by the programming language. Charlotte, a distributed operating system developed at Madison, uses this approach.

A portion of the kernel, which we shall call the nugget, could support kernel processes and communication among these processes, and higher layers could be implemented as communicating kernel processes. This approach is implemented in Sun Unix.

Should kernel processes be any different from ordinary user processes? It is important to execute kernel code efficiently, therefore these processes should be lightweight processes.

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Prasun Dewan
Tue Dec 2 18:31:47 EST 1997