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A resource is a commodity needed by a process to do its work. The computer hardware provides a number of fundamental resources. A process needs memory space for its code and data, processor time to execute its instructions, and I/O facilities to accept data and produce results. In addition to these fundamental resources, the operating system introduces new resources. For example, files are provided to store permanent data. Facilities may be provided for interprocess communication. Other higher level resources may be built out of these fundamental resources.

The following analogy may explain the process-resource concept. Consider a theater that shows several one-actor plays simultaneously. The theater corresponds to the computer and the actors to the processes. The resources are the props used by the actors. As actors need props, they request them from the director (operating system). The director's job is to satisfy the following contradictory goals:

The director also is responsible to the owners of the theater (that is, the owners of the computer), who have invested a considerable sum in its resources. This responsibility also has several goals:

Prasun Dewan
Thu Aug 21 10:36:49 EDT 1997