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Upper-Half Tty Output Routines

The upper half routines consist of ttyputc and ttywrite, which are the producers of data into the output buffer.

Ttyputc(devptr, ch)

The routine ttyputc(devptr, ch), used to input a single character, does the following:

If the input character is NEWLINE then it recursively calls itself to print a RETURN before the NEWLINEWaits for osem (free space)

Deposits character in output buffer.

`Signals' lower-half output routine by enabling output interrupts

The routine ttywrite(devptr, buff, count), used to output count number of characters, does the following:

Copies as many characters as it can in the space available, making sure that the count of osem is adjusted appropriately.

Uses ttyputc to output the rest.

Prasun Dewan
Mon Sep 30 11:57:25 EDT 1996