Grants, Contracts, Gifts, And Awards: State Fiscal Year 7/1/2014 – 6/30/2015
Principal Investigators |
Funding Agency |
Project Title |
Agency No. |
J. Aikat | National Science Foundation | CC-NIE Network Infrastructure: Enabling data-driven research | OCI-1245783 |
J. Aikat K. Jeffay |
National Science Foundation | GENI Tutorial at ACM SIGCSE | CNS-1332340 |
J. Aikat K. Jeffay |
BBN Technologies (National Science Foundation) | GENI in the classroom: Course Modules for Teaching Networking Concepts | 1906 |
J. Aikat | Georgia Institute of Technology (National Science Foundation) | Proposal for Intel‐NSF‐GTISC Security Education Micro‐grant Program | RA978-G9 |
R. Alterovitz | National Science Foundation | CAREER: Motion Assistance for Medical Robots | IIS-1149965 |
R. Alterovitz D. Manocha |
National Science Foundation | SHB:Small:Computing Robot Motions for Home Healthcare Assistance | IIS-1117127 |
R. Alterovitz M. Likhachev S. Koenig |
National Science Foundation | Workshop: Robot Planning in the Real World: Challenges and Unsolved Problems | IIS-1349355 |
R. Alterovitz | Vanderbilt University Medical Center | Robotic Natural Orifice Skull Base Surgery | 2186-016377 |
R. Alterovitz | NIH National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering | Multi-lumen steerable needles for transoral access to lung nodules | R21-EB017952 |
J. Anderson | National Science Foundation | CPS: Breakthrough: Collaborative Research: Bringing the Multicore Revolution to Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems | CNS-1239135 |
J. Anderson S. Baruah |
National Science Foundation | CSR: Small: A Comprehensive Framework for Real-Time Multiprocessor Synchronization | CNS-1115284 |
J. Anderson S. Baruah |
U.S. Army Research Office | RT-SPACE: A Real-Time Stochastically-Provisioned Adaptive Container Environment | W911NF-14-1-0499 |
J. Anderson S. Baruah |
Air Force Office of Scientific Research | A Multicore Real-Time Mixed-Criticality Framework for Avionics | FA9550-14-1-0161 |
J. Anderson S. Baruah |
General Motors Corporation | Software Architecture and Support for Image Processing Using Controllers with Graphic Processing Units | N/A |
J. Anderson
S. Baruah A. Berg
National Science Foundation | CPS: Synergy: Doing More With Less: Cost-Effective Infrastructure for Automotive Vision Capabilities | CNS-1446631 |
J. Anderson | National Science Foundation | Travel Subsidies for 2013 CPS PI Meeting | CNS-1355325 |
S. Baruah J. Anderson |
National Science Foundation | CSR: Small: Formal Foundations of Certifiable Mixed-criticality Systems | CNS-1016954 |
S. Baruah J. Anderson |
National Science Foundation | CSR: Small Real-time Computing Using GPUs | CNS-1218693 |
S. Baruah | National Science Foundation | CSR: Medium: Resource-Efficient Implementation of Mixed-Criticality Systems | CNS-1409175 |
A. Berg | National Science Foundation | CAREER: Situated Recognition: Learning to understand our local visual environment | IIS-1452851 |
T. Berg | National Science Foundation | CAREER: Toward a General Framework for Words and Pictures | IIS-1444234 |
T. Berg | National Science Foundation | RI: Medium: Integrating Humans and Computers for Image and Video Understanding | IIS-1445409 |
T. Berg | National Science Foundation | CI-New: Collaborative Research: Federated Data Set Infrastructure for Recognition Problems in Computer Vision | CNS-1405822 |
T. Berg | National Science Foundation | CI-P:Collaborative Research: Visual entailment data set and challenge for the language and vision communities | CNS-1417991 |
F. Brooks, Jr. M. Whitton |
National Science Foundation | Viewpoint Tracking via Acceleration Stabilized with Computer Vision | IIS-1347208 |
P. Dewan | National Science Foundation | EAGER: Automatic Classification of Programming Difficulties by Mining Programming Events | IIS-1250702 |
P. Dewan | National Science Foundation | HCC-Small:Collaborative Mixed-Initiative Access Control | IIS-0810861 |
J.M. Frahm S. Lazebnik |
Applied Research Associates Inc. | FINDER Program- WALDO | S-001460.00001.UNC |
J.M. Frahm F. Monrose |
National Science Foundation | EAGER: Automatic Reconstruction of Typed Input from Compromising Reflections | IIS-1148895 |
J.M. Frahm E. Dunn Rivera |
National Science Foundation | EAGER: Data Association and Exploitation for Large Scale 3-D Modeling from Visual Imagery | IIS-1252921 |
J.M. Frahm | National Science Foundation | EAGER: Leveraging 3D structure estimates for photo collection based geo-localization and semantic indexing | IIS-1349074 |
J.M. Frahm | SRI International | DARPA VMR TA2 Proposal | 206-000062 |
J.M. Frahm | National Science Foundation | II-New: Seeing the Future: Ubiquitous Computing in EyeGlasses | CNS-1405847 |
J.M. Frahm E. Dunn Rivera |
Mitre Corporation | Unstructured Videos | 105494 |
H. Fuchs J.M. Frahm |
Cisco Systems, Inc. | Prototype for Two-Station, Four-Person, Proper Eye-Gaze Telepresence System | N/A |
H. Fuchs | National Science Foundation | HCC: CGV: Small: Eyeglass-Style Multi-Layer Optical See-Through Displays for Augmented Reality | IIS-1319567 |
H. Fuchs | National Science Foundation | CHS: Small: Minimal-Latency Tracking and Display for Head-Worn Augmented Reality Systems | IIS-1423059 |
K. Jeffay J. Aikat |
Raytheon Company | Development of Educations and Training Resources for GENI Experimenters | 14059 |
K. Jeffay | Duke University (U.S. Army Research Office) | TCSDLS: 3-year Extension (2014-2016) of the ‘Triangle Computer Science Distinguished Lecturer Series | |
K. Jeffay | National Science Foundation | AF: Small: Degree-Driven Design of Geometric Algorithms | CCF-1018498 |
J. Kaur
National Science Foundation | SDCI NET: Development of an Ultra-high Speed End-to-end Transport Stack based on the Packet Scale Paradigm | OCI-1127413 |
J. Kaur | National Science Foundation | NeTS: Small: Web Traffic Monitoring Using Anonymized TCP/IP Traces | CNS-1526268 |
A. Lastra | Impulsonic Inc. (National Science Foundation) | SBIR Phase II: Cloud-based Acoustic Simulation Service | IIP-1456299 |
M. Lin D. Manocha |
U.S. Army Research Office | DURIP: High-Performance Clusters for Computational Acoustics and Sound Simulation | W911NF-12-1-0430 |
M. Lin | National Science Foundation | CGV: Small: Interactive Sound Rendering for Virtual Environments | IIS-1320644 |
M. Lin | National Science Foundation | IIS:G&V:EAGER: Interactive Reconstruction and Visualization of Metropolitan-Scale Traffic | IIS-1247456 |
M. Lin | NIH National Cancer Institute | SCH: EXP: Proactive Health Monitoring Using Individualized Analysis of Tissue Elasticity | R01-EB020426 |
D. Manocha M. Lin |
Impulsonic Inc. (U.S. Army Research Office) | STTR-Interactive Acoustic Simulation in Urban and Complex Environments | W911NF-10-1-0506 |
D. Manocha | Sandia National Laboratories | Poisson | 1356466 |
D. Manocha M. Lin |
U.S. Army Research Office | Interactive Computational Algorithms for Acoustic Simulation in Complex Environments | W911NF-10-1-0506 |
D. Manocha | U.S. Army Research Office | Efficient Numeric and Geometric Computations using Heterogeneous Shared Memory Architectures | W911NF-14-1-0437 |
D. Manocha | The Boeing Company | Dense Crowd Simulation and Applications | 2013-109 |
D. Manocha | Kitware Inc. (National Institutes of Health) | SBIR-Approach-specific, multi-GPU, multi-tool, high-realism neurosurgery simulation | K000786-00-S04 |
D. Manocha
R. Alterovitz
J.M. Frahm
H. Fuchs
M. Lin
National Science Foundation | II-NEW: A Robot Testbed for Real-Time Motion Strategies and Autonomous Personal Assistants | CNS-1305286 |
K. Mayer-Patel | National Science Foundation | US-Singapore Workshop: Collaborative Research: Understand the World by Analyzing Many Video Streams | OISE-1427688 |
L. McMillan | Jackson Laboratory | Center for Genome Dynamics | N/A |
F. Monrose | Air Force Research Laboratory | Efficient Tracking, Logging, and Blocking of Accesses to Digital Images | FA8750-12-2-0235 |
F. Monrose | National Science Foundation | NSF Support for the 2014 USENIX Security Symposium, Financial Aid; August 2014; San Diego, CA | CNS-1342609 |
F. Monrose | National Science Foundation | NSF Support for the 2015 USENIX Security Symposium, Financial Aid; August 2015; Washington, D.C. | CNS-1421152 |
F. Monrose | National Science Foundation | NSF Support for the 2016 USENIX Security Symposium, Financial Aid; August 2016; Austin, Texas | CNS-1521575 |
F. Monrose M. Singh |
National Science Foundation | SDCI Sec: New Software Platforms for Supporting Network-wide Detection of Code Injection Attacks | OCI-1127361 |
F. Monrose K. Jeffay |
National Science Foundation | TC:Small:Exploring Privacy Breaches in Encrypted VoIP Communications | CCF-1017318 |
F. Monrose E. Moreton J. Smith K. Pertsova |
National Science Foundation | TWC: Small: Toward Pronounceable Authentication Strings | CNS-1318520 |
F. Monrose | National Science Foundation | TWC: TTP Option: Small: Collaborative: Scalable Techniques for Better Situational Awareness: Algorithmic Frameworks and Large-Scale Empirical Analyses | CNS-1421703 |
F. Monrose | U.S. Army Research Office | Privacy on the Line: Next-Generation Defenses for Securing VoIP Communications | W911NF-13-1-0270 |
M. Niethammer | Brigham and Women’s Hospital | Computational Morphometry in Schizophrenia and Related Disorders | 104624 |
M. Niethammer | Kitware, Inc. (NIH National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering) | STTR-Multimodality Image-Based Assessment System for Traumatic Brain Injury | K000792-00-S01 |
M. Niethammer | NIH National Institute of Arthritis Musculoskeletal Skin Disease | Automatic Quantitative Analysis of MR Images of the Knee in Osteoarthritis | R21-AR059890 |
M. Niethammer | National Science Foundation | CAREER: Estimation Methods for Image Registration | ECCS-1148870 |
M. Niethammer | National Science Foundation | Optimal Control for the Analysis of Image Sequences | ECCS-0925875 |
M. Niethammer | Kitware, Inc. (NIH National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) | STTR – Image-based quantification and analysis of longitudinal lung nodule deformations | K000792-00-S01 |
J. Prins C. Jones D. Chiang Y. Liu |
NIH National Human Genome Research Institute | Unlocking transcript diversity via differential analyses of splice graphs | R01-HG006272 |
M. Reiter F. Monrose |
National Science Foundation | Collaborative Research: CT-L: CLEANSE: Cross-Layer Large-Scale Efficient Analysis of Network Activities to Secure the Internet | CNS-0831245 |
M. Reiter | National Science Foundation | FIA: Collaborative Research: MobilityFirst: A Robust and Trustworthy Architecture for the Future Mobile Internet | CNS-1040626 |
M. Reiter | National Science Foundation | TC: Small: Server-side Verification of Client Behavior in Distributed Applications | CNS-1115948 |
M. Reiter J. Aikat |
National Science Foundation | TWC: Frontier: Collaborative: Rethinking Security in the Era of Cloud Computing | CNS-1330599 |
M. Reiter | National Science Foundation | TWC SBES: Medium: Collaborative: Crowdsourcing Security | CNS-1228471 |
M. Reiter | U.S. Office of Naval Research | Adaptive and Scalable Network Policy Enforcement | N00014-13-1-0048 |
M. Reiter | U.S. Army Research Office | MURI Workshop Proposal: Cyber Security: From Tactics to Strategies and Back | W911NF-14-1-0435 |
M. Reiter | North Carolina State University | Growing the Science of Security through Analytics | 2014-1267-01 |
J. Rosenman | NIH National Cancer Institute | Integration of Endoscopic and CT data for Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning | R01-CA158925 |
J. Snoeyink | Duke University | Low-Resolution Interiors and Interfaces Can Achieve High-Resolution Accuracy | 159285 |
J. Snoeyink | Duke University | MolProbityValidation and Corrections for Crystallography, PDB and Biomedicine | 203-1083 |
J. Snoeyink | National Science Foundation | AF: Small: Degree-driven design of geometric algorithms | CCF-1018498 |
J. Snoeyink | Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation (Department of Energy) | Development of a Topologically-Consistent Particle Tracking Algorithm for Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Simulations | PO 106482 |
C. Sturton | National Science Foundation | CRII: SaTC: Detecting Security Vulnerabilities in Instruction Set Architectures | CNS-1464209 |
R.M. Taylor II | Michigan State University (National Science Foundation) | CDI-TPE II: From Models and Data Knowledge | 61-2482NC / 0941373 |
W. Wang L. McMillan |
Jackson Lab | Genome Dynamics: Evolution, Organization and Function | 00000062 |
M. Whitton J. Heard |
Columbia University | Geoinformatics Facilities Support: Integrated Data Collections for the Earth & Ocean Sciences: The Marine Geoscience Data System and the Geoinformatics for Geochemistry Program | G03587/2 GG002806 |