Grants, Contracts, Gifts, and Awards: State Fiscal Year 7/1/2001 – 6/30/2002
Principal Investigators | Funding Agency | Project Title | Agency No. |
J. Anderson | National Science Foundation | Pfair-Scheduled Real-Time Systems: Extending Theory to Practice | CCR-9972211 |
J. Anderson | National Science Foundation | ITR/SW:Rate-based Scheduling Technology for Latency-sensitive Graphics Applications | CCR-0082866 |
S. Aylward | National Library of Medicine | Visible Human Project Image Processing Tools | N01-LM-0-3501 |
S. Baruah | National Science Foundation | A General Framework for Hard Real-Time Application System Design | CCR-9972105 |
S. Baruah | National Science Foundation | Feasibility Analysis in Safety-Critical Shared Resource Systems | CCR-9996434 |
S. Baruah J. Anderson |
National Science Foundation | Real-time Scheduling on Heterogeneous Multiprocessors | CCR-9988327 |
G. Bishop | Office of Naval Research | Technology for Full-Body Tracking | N00014-01-1-0064 |
F. Brooks | Office of Naval Research | Minimal Haptics for Enhancing Virtual Environments | N00014-01-1-0061 |
S. Chatterjee | Duke University (Indirect National Science Foundation) | TUNE: System Support for Memory-Friendly Programming | 98-SC-NSF-1016 |
S. Chatterjee | National Science Foundation | Irregular Parallel Algorithms: Expression, Compilation and Performance | CCR-9711438 |
P. Dewan | National Science Foundation | Supporting Reuse, Composition, and Automation in a Collaboration Infrastructure | IIS-9977362 |
H. Fuchs | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories/ University of California |
Automatically Reconfigurable Arrays of Projectors for Wide-Area Display | B504967 |
H. Fuchs | National Science Foundation/ Utah |
Science and Technology Center for Computer Graphics and Scientific Visualization | PO# 83009LS-39186-8 |
H. Fuchs | National Science Foundation/ Utah |
MRI Equipment Grant for Science and Technology Center for Computer Graphics and Scientific Visualization | 98-E-16 |
H. Fuchs F. P. Brooks Jr. |
National Science Foundation | MRI: Acquisition of a Graphics Supercomputer for Synthetic Environments Serving Science and Engineering | EIA-9871222 |
K. Jeffay D. Smith |
IBM | IBM Shared University Resource Grant | N/A |
K. Jeffay D. Smith |
National Science Foundation | Active Queue Management For Scalable Network Services: Theory & Internet Practice | ANI-0082870 |
M. Lin | Army Research Office | Haptic Workbench | DAAD-00-1-0075 |
M. Lin | National Science Foundation | Interactive Haptic Simulation for Engineering Design | DMI-9900157 |
M. Lin | National Science Foundation | Robot Algorithms for Haptic Interaction | IIS-9821067 |
M. Lin | Office of Naval Research | Physically-Based Haptic Interaction with Virtual Environments | N00014-01-1-0496 |
M. Lin | Office of Naval Research | Real-Time Interaction With Virtual Environments | N00014-01-1-0067 |
D. Manocha | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories/ University of California |
Interactive Display of Complex Datasets | B504968 |
D. Manocha | National Science Foundation | Real-Time Walkthroughs of Serious Synthetic Environments | ACI-98769 |
D. Manocha | Office of Naval Research | Video Based Acquisition, Representations and Rendering of Large Real and Synthetic Environments | N00014-01-1-0043 |
D. Manocha | U.S. Army Research Office | Accurate Boundary Evaluation & Interactive Display of Large Solid Models | DAAD19-99-1-0162 |
D. Manocha | U.S. Army Research Office | Instrumentation for Interactive Display of Complex Datasets (Equipment Only) | N/A |
L. Nyland | National Science Foundation | ITR/ACS: Self Scheduling N-Body Algorithms | ACI-0082931 |
S. M. Pizer | National Institutes of Health | Medical Image Presentation | 5-POI-CA47982-09 |
D. Plaisted | National Science Foundation | Instance-Based Theorem Proving with Semantics and Equality | CCR-9972118 |
J. F. Prins S. Chatterjee |
National Science Foundation | U.S. – Germany Cooperative Research Effort: High-Performance Execution of Nested Data Parallelism in Fortran Programs | INT-9726317 |
J.F. Prins | University of Maryland | Parallel Programming Paradigms for Distributed Memory and Distributed Shared Memory | Q148402 |
T. L. Quigg | Duke University | North Carolina Networking Initiative | 99-SC-TCS-1007 |
T. L. Quigg | Frances C. and William P. Smallwood Foundation | Sitterson 011 Multimedia Center Upgrade – Phase II | N/A |
J. Snoeyink | National Science Foundation | Direct For Computer & Information Science & Engineering, Numerical, Symbol & Geometric Computation | CCR-9988742 |
J. Snoeyink | National Science Foundation (indirect Duke University) | ITR/ACS+IM Computational Geometry for Structural Biology and Bioinformatics | N/A |
J. Snoeyink | UNC-Chapel Hill, University Research Council | University Faculty Research Grant | N/A |
J. Snoeyink | University of California | Pentatope Meshes for Compression and Progressive Transmission of 4D Data Sets | N/A |
P. D. Stotts | National Science Foundation | Dynamic Reconfiguration of Distributed Systems via Virtual Environment Warping | IIS-9732577 |
P. D. Stotts | UCAR (indirect NOAA/EPA) | UCAR Visiting Scientist Program | N/A |
R. Superfine R. M. Taylor II |
National Institutes of Health | Interactive Graphics for Molecular Studies & Microscopy | 5-P41-RR02170-16 |
R. Superfine R. M. Taylor II |
National Institutes of Health | Interactive Graphics for Molecular Studies & Microscopy – Supplement for Collaboratory | 5-P41-RR02170-16 |
R. M. Taylor II | National Science Foundation | XYZ on a CHIP: Biomolecular Motor/Nanotube Integration | BES-0088509 |
R. M. Taylor II F. P. Brooks Jr. |
National Science Foundation | Application of High-Performance Graphics Supercomputers and Communication to Provide Improved Interfaces to Scanning Probe Microscopes | ACI-9527192 |
R. M. Taylor II/ G. Jones (Sch. of Education)/ R. Superfine (Physics) |
National Science Foundation | Investigating Viruses with Touch: Nanotechnology & Science Inquiry | REC-0087389 |
S. F. Weiss | IBM | Graduate Student Fellowship | N/A |
S. F. Weiss | Intel Corporation | Graduate Student Fellowship | N/A |
S. F. Weiss | LINK Foundation | Graduate Student Fellowships | N/A |
S. F. Weiss | Lucent Technologies | Graduate Student Fellowship | N/A |
S. F. Weiss | NVIDIA Corporation | Graduate Student Fellowship | N/A |
S. F. Weiss | National Science Foundation | Infrastructure for Research in Collaboration Systems | N/A |
S. F. Weiss | Silicon Graphics Inc. | Graduate Student Fellowships | N/A |
O. Zhou (Physics) S. Washburn (Physics) S. M. Pizer R. M. Taylor II |
Office of Naval Research | Science and Technology of Nanotube-Based Materials and Devices | N00014-98-1-0597 |