Tianlong Chen
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. 2023, Texas-Austin. Machine learning problems: sparsity, robustness, learning to optimize, graph learning, diffusion models; as well as interdisciplinary scientific challenges: bioengineering, quantum computing.
Tianlong Chen received a doctorate in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 2023 and joined the UNC Department of Computer Science in Fall 2024. Before coming to UNC, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (CSAIL@MIT), Harvard University (BMI@Harvard), and the Borad Institute of MIT & Harvard in 2023-2024.
Chen’s research focuses on building accurate, trustworthy, and efficient machine learning systems. He devotes his most recent passion to various important machine learning problems (sparsity, robustness, learning to optimize, graph learning, and diffusion models) and interdisciplinary scientific challenges (bioengineering and quantum computing). He received the IBM Ph.D. Fellowship, Adobe Ph.D. Fellowship, Graduate Dean’s Prestigious Fellowship, AdvML Rising Star, and the Best Paper Award from the inaugural Learning on Graphs (LoG) Conference 2022.