TCSDLS Speakers 1998-1999
5 OCTOBER 1998
Speaker: Dr. Randy Pausch, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Title: “The Interdisciplinary Challenge of Building Virtual Worlds”
Host School: UNC-Chapel Hill
19 OCTOBER 1998
Speaker: Dr. Nicolas D. Georganas, Multimedia Communications Research Laboratory and School of Information Technology and Engineering, University of Ottawa
Title: “Multimedia Tele-Collaboration with Shared Spaces: Experiences”
Host School: N.C. State University
16 NOVEMBER 1998
Speaker: Dr. Peter Lee, Carnegie Mellon University
Title: “Proofs, Types, and Safe Mobile Code”
Host School: N.C. State University
Speaker: Dr. Larry Peterson, Department of Computer Science, Princeton University
Title: “The Scout Operating System”
Host School: Duke University
Speaker: Dr. Peter Winkler, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
Title: “Optimality and Greed in Dynamic Allocation”
Host School: N.C. State University
15 FEBRUARY 1999
Speaker: Dr. Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Department of Computer Science, Brown University
Title: “Building Topological Maps for Robot Navigation”
Host School: Duke University
1 MARCH 1999
Speaker: Dr. Jurg Nievergelt, ETH Zurich
Title: “Half-a-century of Computer Chess: The Longest Running Experiment in Knowledge Engineering”
Host School: UNC-Chapel Hill
5 APRIL 1999
Speaker: Dr. Richard R. Muntz, Computer Science Department, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California at Los Angeles
Title: “Storage Systems Issues in Multimedia”
Host School: UNC-Chapel Hill
5 APRIL 1999
Speaker: Dr. Aravind K. Joshi, Department of Computer and Information Science and The Institute for Research in Cognitive Science, University of Pennsylvania
Title: “Role of Constrained Formal Systems: Theoretical, Computational, and Processing Implications”
Host School: Duke University