TCSDLS Speakers 1997-1998
20 OCTOBER 1997
Speaker: Dr. Seth Teller, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Title: “City Scanning: Automatic Acquisition of Textured 3D Geometric Models of Urban Environments”
Host School: Duke University
Speaker: Dr. Avi Silberschatz, Information Sciences Research Center, Bell Laboratories
Title: “Next Generation Information Systems”
Host School: Duke University
17 NOVEMBER 1997
Speaker: Dr. John Reynolds, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Title: “Can Programs be both Correct and Efficient? Typing and Specification for Low-level Programming Languages”
Host School: N.C. State University
Speaker: Dr. James W. Demmel, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, University of California at Berkeley
Title: “Recent Advances in High Performance Linear Algebra”
Host School: UNC-Chapel Hill
16 FEBRUARY 1998
Speaker: Dr. Krithi Ramamritham, Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts
Title: “Building Virtual Warehouses using Workflows and the Web”
Host School: N.C. State University
30 MARCH 1998
Speaker: Ken Kennedy, Department of Computer Science, Rice University
Title: “Interprocedural Compilation: Algorithms and Applications”
Host School: UNC-Chapel Hill
13 APRIL 1998
Speaker: Jean-Claude Latombe, Computer Science Department, Stanford University
Title: “Randomized Path Planning: Algorithms, Analysis, and Applications”
Host School: Duke University
27 APRIL 1998
Speaker: Pat Hanrahan, Departments of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
Title: “Digital Lights, Cameras, Materials”
Host School: UNC-Chapel Hill