March 30, 2018
Alumnus Andrew S. Maimone (Ph.D. 2015, M.S. 2012) was selected as one of two winners of the 2018 IEEE Virtual Reality Best Dissertation Award. Maimone was recognized at the 25th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR) in Reutlingen, Germany.
Every year, the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee and the IEEE VR Steering Committee selects the Best Dissertation Award winner in the broad field of Virtual and Augmented Reality. Any dissertation that was successfully defended during the two-calendar-year period prior to the award deadline is eligible for consideration. The recipient receives a cash prize of $500 along with complimentary registration to the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, where they are invited to make a short presentation.
Maimone’s dissertation, titled “Computational See-Through Near-Eye Displays”, was successfully defended in April 2015. The full text is available on the department website. The dissertation was advised by Federico Gil Distinguished Professor Henry Fuchs.
Maimone now works as a research scientist for Facebook at Oculus Research.