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Mohit Bansal, elected AAAI Fellow for significant contributions to multimodal AI foundations as well as faithful language generation and summarization
January 31, 2025

Parker Distinguished Professor Mohit Bansal was elected a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). The distinction is reserved for “individuals who have made significant, sustained contributions — usually over at least a ten-year period — to the field of artificial intelligence.”

Bansal was recognized for significant contributions to multimodal AI foundations as well as faithful language generation and summarization. He was one of only 16 elected Fellows in the Class of 2025, which was selected by a committee comprised of 9 AAAI Fellows and chaired by the most recent former president of AAAI.

Bansal is the director of the Multimodal Understanding, Reasoning, and Generation for Language Lab (MURGe-Lab) within the UNC Natural Language Processing Group, where he undertakes research in natural language processing and multimodal machine learning, with a particular focus on multimodal generative models, grounded and embodied semantics, faithful language generation, and interpretable, efficient, and generalizable deep learning.

Bansal was recently named a recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), which is the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on scientists and engineers who are still early into their careers, and he received the Army Research Office’s ECASE in 2021. He has also been recognized with the National Science Foundation Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Young Faculty Award and Director’s Fellowship, Army Young Investigator Award, Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur Young Alumnus Award, Google Focused Research Award, Microsoft Investigator Fellowship, and more.

Bansal’s research has won outstanding paper awards at academic conferences on machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing, including ACL, CVPR, EACL, COLING, CoNLL, and TMLR.

The full list of 2025 elected Fellows can be found on the AAAI website.