Categories of Courses
This is a list of courses subdivided into the categories specified for the M.S. and Ph.D. breadth requirement. If you would like to have a course categorized, please contact the Director of Graduate Studies.
Theory And Formal Thinking
Course | Sem | Title |
455 | Models of Languages and Computation | |
537 | Cryptography | |
555 | Bioalgorithms | |
562 | Introduction to Machine Learning | |
576 | Math for Image Computing | |
651 | Computational Geometry | |
662 | Scientific Computation (cross-listed as MATH 662) | |
664 | Deep Learning | |
722 | Data Mining | |
735 | Distributed and Concurrent Algorithms | |
737 | Real-Time Systems | |
750 | Algorithm Analysis | |
752 | Mechanized Mathematical Inference | |
755 | Machine Learning | |
766 | Visual Solid Shape | |
767 | Geometric and Solid Modeling | |
777 | Optimal Estimation in Image Analysis | |
790-201 | S16 | (Welch/Prins) [BD2K 1 module] Predictive Models for High-Dimensional Data Analysis |
790-58 | F16 | (Manocha) Robot Motion Planning |
790-125 | F16 | (Jojic) Adv. Machine Learning |
790-142 | F18 | (Oliva) Distributions and Collections in Machine Learning |
790-142 | S19 | (Oliva) Generative Methods in Machine Learning |
790-171 | F21, F22 | (Eskandarian) Cryptography (now COMP 537) |
790-144 | F24 | (Duggirala) Introduction to Formal Methods |
790-183 | F24 | (Yao) Reliable Machine Learning |
Systems And Hardware
Course | Sem | Title | |
520 | Compilers | ||
521 | Files and Databases (Spring 2021 and earlier; COMP 421 is not eligible) | ||
523 | Software Engineering Laboratory | ||
530 | Operating Systems | ||
535 | Introduction to Computer Security | ||
541 | Digital Logic and Computer Design | ||
630 | OS Implementation | ||
631 | Computer Networks | ||
633 | Parallel Computing | ||
635 | Wireless and Mobile Networks | ||
720 | Advanced Compilers | ||
723 | Software Design and Implementation | ||
730 | Operating Systems | ||
734 | Distributed Systems | ||
740 | Computer Architecture and Implementation | ||
741 | Hardware Systems | ||
744 | VLSI Systems Design | ||
831 | Internet Architecture and Performance | ||
832 | Multimedia Networking | ||
841 | Advanced Computer Architecture | ||
790-58 | S15 | (Manocha) Sound Simulation | |
790-95 | S15 | (Reiter) Security of Clouds and Software Defined Networking | |
790-91 | F15 | (Monrose) Selected Topics in Systems Security | |
590-136 | S16 | (Nirjon) Mobile Computing Systems | |
790-136 | F16 | (Nirjon) Internet of Things | |
790-91 | F16 | (Monrose) Computer Forensics | |
790-42 | S17 | (D. Smith) Data Ctr. Systems & Programming | |
790-138 | S17 | (Porter) Virtualization | |
790-136 | S18 | (Nirjon) Smart and Connected Systems | |
790-42 | through S18 | (D. Smith) OS Implementation | |
790-138 | S20 | (Porter) OS Implementation | |
790-149 | F23 | (Kwong) Research Topics in Computer Security | |
790-180 | S24 | (Kwong) Hardware Security and Side-Channels | |
790-175 | F24 | (Chakravarthula) Optical Neural Networks and Computing Systems | |
790-185 | F24 | (Kwong) Research Topics in Computer Security | |
790-63 | all | (Dewan) Implementing Distributed Collaborative Systems | |
790-88 | all | (Kaur) Wireless Networks | |
790-132 | all | (Sturton) Software Security | |
790-132 | all | (Sturton) Hardware Security | |
790-136 | all | (Nirjon) Mobile Computing Systems |
Course | Sem | Title |
560 | Artificial Intelligence | |
572 | Computational Photography | |
581 | Robotics | |
585 | Serious Games | |
665 | Images, Graphics and Vision | |
683 | Computational Biology | |
715 | Visualization in the Sciences | |
768 | Physically Based Modeling and Simulation | |
770 | Computer Graphics | |
775 | Image Processing and Analysis | |
776 | Computer Vision in our 3D World | |
781 | Robotics | |
782 | Motion Planning in Physical and Virtual Worlds | |
870 | Advanced Image Synthesis | |
872 | Exploring Virtual Worlds | |
875 | Recent Advances in Image Analysis | |
790-136 | F15 | (Nirjon) Internet of Things |
790-139 | F16 | (M. Bansal) Natural Language Processing |
790-62 | S17 | (Anderson, et al.) Autonomous Driving: Moving from Theory to Practice |
790-84 | S19 | (Singh) Computational Photography |
790-139 | S19 | (M. Bansal) Advanced Topics in NLP |
790-98 | S20 | (Niethammer) Machine Learning and Differential Equations |
790-173 | S24 | (Danielle Szafir) Information Visualization |
790-173 | S24 | (Danielle Szafir) Special Topics in HCI |
790-175 | S24 | (Chakravarthula) Computational Imaging and Displays |
790-177 | S24 | (Sengupta) 3D Generative Models |
790-170 | S24 | (Bertasius) Visual Recognition with Transformers |
790-172 | S24 | (Dan Szafir) Human-Robot Interaction |
790-170 | F24 | (Bertasius) Video Recognition |
790-172 | F24 | (Dan Szafir) VR and Game Development |
790-139 | F24 | (M. Bansal) Connecting Language to Vision and Robotics |
790-148 | F24 | (Chakraborty) Programming Intelligent Physical Systems |
790-149 | F24 | (Chakraborty) Introduction to Reinforcement Learning |
790-150 | F24 | (Chen) Efficient Deep Learning |
790-158 | F24 | (Chaturvedi) Special Topics in Natural Language Processing |
790-62 | All | (Anderson et al) Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems |
790-98 | all | (Niethammer) Optimal Estimation in Image Analysis |
790-99 | all | (Alterovitz) Robotics |
Approved Courses Outside Of Computer Science
Course | Sem | Title |
BIOS 600 | Principles of Statistical Inference | |
STOR 555 | Mathematical Statistics |
Change Log
9/24/24 – Clarified that, going forward, MATH 662 should count as Theory.
9/10/24 – Clarified that COMP 421 is not eligible for breadth; archived course tags older than 2015; correct STAT 555 to STOR 555.
9/3/24 – Added 562 Intro to Machine Learning
8/16/24 – Corrected number for 537 Cryptography
3/22/24 – Added F24 topics courses
1/16/24 – Added COMP 664
12/05/23 – Added S24 topics courses
12/13/21 – Added COMP 630
10/30/19 – Added 790-98 S20 (A), Added 790-138 S20 (S)
8/28/18 – Added 755 Machine Learning
4/10/18 – Added 790-136 S18 Smart and Connected Systems and Mobile Computing Systems
3/20/16 – Updated classifications through Fall 2016
1/05/15 – Spring 2015 topics courses
1/08/14 – Spring 2014 topics courses
8/14/13 – Fall 2013 topics courses
9/24/12 – Added 790-62 F11 Cyber-Physical Systems
7/23/12 – Updated S12, F12 topics courses and added new course numbers 555, 585, 655, 722
8/01/11 – Updated S11, F11 topics courses
1/10/11 – Added COMP 535
8/24/10 – Updated F10 topics courses
1/06/10 – Added F09, S10 topics courses
8/20/09 – Added S09 topics courses
9/19/08 – Added COMP 521
9/17/08 – Added recent sections of COMP 790
8/09/08 – Removed COMP 431 (not allowed for breadth)
8/26/07 – Added 790-78, F06
8/23/07 – Added recent sections of COMP 790
11/1/06 – Added Bios 600, Math 662, and Stat 555