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This is a list of courses subdivided into the categories specified for the M.S. and Ph.D. breadth requirement. If you would like to have a course categorized, please contact the Director of Graduate Studies.

Theory And Formal Thinking

Course Sem Title
455 Models of Languages and Computation
537 Cryptography
555 Bioalgorithms
562 Introduction to Machine Learning
576 Math for Image Computing
651 Computational Geometry
662 Scientific Computation (cross-listed as MATH 662)
664 Deep Learning
722 Data Mining
735 Distributed and Concurrent Algorithms
737 Real-Time Systems
750 Algorithm Analysis
752 Mechanized Mathematical Inference
755 Machine Learning
766 Visual Solid Shape
767 Geometric and Solid Modeling
777 Optimal Estimation in Image Analysis
790-201 S16 (Welch/Prins)  [BD2K 1 module] Predictive Models for High-Dimensional Data Analysis
790-58 F16 (Manocha) Robot Motion Planning
790-125 F16 (Jojic) Adv. Machine Learning
790-142 F18 (Oliva) Distributions and Collections in Machine Learning
790-142 S19 (Oliva) Generative Methods in Machine Learning
790-171 F21, F22 (Eskandarian) Cryptography (now COMP 537)
790-144 F24 (Duggirala) Introduction to Formal Methods
790-183 F24 (Yao) Reliable Machine Learning


Systems And Hardware


Course Sem Title
520 Compilers
521 Files and Databases (Spring 2021 and earlier; COMP 421 is not eligible)
523 Software Engineering Laboratory
530 Operating Systems
535 Introduction to Computer Security
541 Digital Logic and Computer Design
630 OS Implementation
631 Computer Networks
633 Parallel Computing
635 Wireless and Mobile Networks
720 Advanced Compilers
723 Software Design and Implementation
730 Operating Systems
734 Distributed Systems
740 Computer Architecture and Implementation
741 Hardware Systems
744 VLSI Systems Design
831 Internet Architecture and Performance
832 Multimedia Networking
841 Advanced Computer Architecture
790-58 S15 (Manocha) Sound Simulation
790-95 S15 (Reiter) Security of Clouds and Software Defined Networking
790-91 F15 (Monrose) Selected Topics in Systems Security
590-136 S16 (Nirjon) Mobile Computing Systems
790-136 F16 (Nirjon) Internet of Things
790-91 F16 (Monrose) Computer Forensics
790-42 S17 (D. Smith) Data Ctr. Systems & Programming
790-138 S17 (Porter) Virtualization
790-136 S18 (Nirjon) Smart and Connected Systems
790-42 through S18 (D. Smith) OS Implementation
790-138 S20 (Porter) OS Implementation
790-149 F23 (Kwong) Research Topics in Computer Security
790-180 S24 (Kwong) Hardware Security and Side-Channels
790-175 F24 (Chakravarthula) Optical Neural Networks and Computing Systems
790-185 F24 (Kwong) Research Topics in Computer Security
790-63 all (Dewan) Implementing Distributed Collaborative Systems
790-88 all (Kaur) Wireless Networks
790-132 all (Sturton) Software Security
790-132 all (Sturton) Hardware Security
790-136 all (Nirjon) Mobile Computing Systems



Course Sem Title
560 Artificial Intelligence
572 Computational Photography
581 Robotics
585 Serious Games
665 Images, Graphics and Vision
683 Computational Biology
715 Visualization in the Sciences
768 Physically Based Modeling and Simulation
770 Computer Graphics
775 Image Processing and Analysis
776 Computer Vision in our 3D World
781 Robotics
782 Motion Planning in Physical and Virtual Worlds
870 Advanced Image Synthesis
872 Exploring Virtual Worlds
875 Recent Advances in Image Analysis
790-136 F15 (Nirjon) Internet of Things
790-139 F16 (M. Bansal) Natural Language Processing
790-62 S17 (Anderson, et al.) Autonomous Driving: Moving from Theory to Practice
790-84 S19 (Singh) Computational Photography
790-139 S19 (M. Bansal) Advanced Topics in NLP
790-98 S20 (Niethammer) Machine Learning and Differential Equations
790-173 S24 (Danielle Szafir) Information Visualization
790-173 S24 (Danielle Szafir) Special Topics in HCI
790-175 S24 (Chakravarthula) Computational Imaging and Displays
790-177 S24 (Sengupta) 3D Generative Models
790-170 S24 (Bertasius) Visual Recognition with Transformers
790-172 S24 (Dan Szafir) Human-Robot Interaction
790-170 F24 (Bertasius) Video Recognition
790-172 F24 (Dan Szafir) VR and Game Development
790-139 F24 (M. Bansal) Connecting Language to Vision and Robotics
790-148 F24 (Chakraborty) Programming Intelligent Physical Systems
790-149 F24 (Chakraborty) Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
790-150 F24 (Chen) Efficient Deep Learning
790-158 F24 (Chaturvedi) Special Topics in Natural Language Processing
790-62 All (Anderson et al) Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems
790-98 all (Niethammer) Optimal Estimation in Image Analysis
790-99 all (Alterovitz) Robotics


Approved Courses Outside Of Computer Science

Course Sem Title
BIOS 600 Principles of Statistical Inference
STOR 555 Mathematical Statistics


Change Log

9/24/24 – Clarified that, going forward, MATH 662 should count as Theory.
9/10/24 – Clarified that COMP 421 is not eligible for breadth; archived course tags older than 2015; correct STAT 555 to STOR 555.
9/3/24 – Added 562 Intro to Machine Learning
8/16/24 – Corrected number for 537 Cryptography
3/22/24 – Added F24 topics courses
1/16/24 – Added COMP 664
12/05/23 – Added S24 topics courses
12/13/21 – Added COMP 630
10/30/19 – Added 790-98 S20 (A), Added 790-138 S20 (S)
8/28/18 – Added 755 Machine Learning
4/10/18 – Added 790-136 S18 Smart and Connected Systems and Mobile Computing Systems
3/20/16 – Updated classifications through Fall 2016
1/05/15 – Spring 2015 topics courses
1/08/14 – Spring 2014 topics courses
8/14/13 – Fall 2013 topics courses
9/24/12 – Added 790-62 F11 Cyber-Physical Systems
7/23/12 – Updated S12, F12 topics courses and added new course numbers 555, 585, 655, 722
8/01/11 – Updated S11, F11 topics courses
1/10/11 – Added COMP 535
8/24/10 – Updated F10 topics courses
1/06/10 – Added F09, S10 topics courses
8/20/09 – Added S09 topics courses
9/19/08 – Added COMP 521
9/17/08 – Added recent sections of COMP 790
8/09/08 – Removed COMP 431 (not allowed for breadth)
8/26/07 – Added 790-78, F06
8/23/07 – Added recent sections of COMP 790
11/1/06 – Added Bios 600, Math 662, and Stat 555