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This page features a list of awards and accolades earned by department personnel.

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014



National Institutes of Health (NIH) Trailblazer R21 Award
Roni Sengupta

Microsoft Accelerate Foundation Models Research Award
Mohit Bansal


National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
Christine Mendoza

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Amazon Research Award
Snigdha Chaturvedi, Shashank Srivastava

Google Research Scholar Award
Saba Eskandarian

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Young Alumnus Award
Mohit Bansal

National Science Foundation (NSF) Early Career Development (CAREER) Award
Saba Eskandarian

Sony Faculty Innovation Award
Gedas Bertasius

Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA)
Jim Anderson

UNC Senior Faculty Research and Scholarly Leave Award
Mohit Bansal


CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher
Zineng Tang

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Individual Faculty Accolades


JP Morgan Chase AI Research Early Career Fellowship
Danielle Szafir

IBM Global University Program Academic Award
Prasun Dewan

Sony Faculty Innovation Award
Gedas Bertasius

Amazon Research Award
Sridhar Duggirala

NSF Faculty Early Development (CAREER) Award
Snigdha Chaturvedi, Colin Raffel, Danielle Szafir

IEEE Fellow
Samarjit Chakraborty


CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher, Honorable Mention
Abhay Zala

CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher, Honorable Mention
Zineng Tang

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IEEE VGTC Virtual Reality Career Award
Mary Whitton

IEEE VGTC Virtual Reality Technical Achievement Award
David Luebke

Army Research Office Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers
Mohit Bansal

NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award
Shahriar Nirjon


CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher, Honorable Mention

Nirjhar Mukherjee

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Amazon Research Award
Ron Alterovitz

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellows
James Anderson

APPLES Teaching Excellence Award
Gary Bishop

DARPA Director’s Fellowship
Mohit Bansal

Eurographics Fellow
Henry Fuchs

International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) Early Career Spotlight
Mohit Bansal

Microsoft Investigator Fellowship
Mohit Bansal

UNC Phillip and Ruth Hettleman Prize for Artistic and Scholarly Achievement
Mohit Bansal


CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award, Runner-Up
Sweta Karlekar

CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award, Finalist
Han Guo

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Google Faculty Research Award
Jasleen Kaur

Google Focused Research Award
Mohit Bansal

IEEE Fellow
Turner Whitted

NSF Early Career Development (CAREER) Award
Mohit Bansal

National Institute of Health R01 grant
Mohit Bansal, Shahriar Nirjon

Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers
Ron Alterovitz

Undergraduate Teaching Award
Donald Porter


UNC Information Technology Award
Jackson Cox


Bloomberg Data Science Ph.D. Fellowship
Hao Tan

Honorable Mention, IEEE VGTC Best VR/AR Dissertation Award
Rick Skarbez

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Darryl Hannan

Royster Society Recruitment Fellowship, UNC Graduate School
Peter Hase

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Adobe Faculty Research Award
Mohit Bansal

Amy Research Office Young Investigator Program Award
Mohit Bansal

Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Fellow
Dinesh Manocha

Computer Science Undergraduate Faculty Award
David Stotts

CSSA Excellence in Teaching Award
Donald Porter & Cynthia Sturton

Facebook Faculty Research Award
Mohit Bansal

Honorary Doctorate, TU Wien
Henry Fuchs

IBM Faculty Award
Mohit Bansal

IEEE Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems (TCRTS) Outstanding Technical Achievement and Leadership Award
James Anderson

International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Science and Technology Program Career Impact Award
Henry Fuchs

Salesforce Research Deep Learning Grant Award 
Mohit Bansal

Verisk AI Faculty Research Award 
Mohit Bansal


Frank Porter Graham Honor Society
Tanya Amert, Catherine Nemitz

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship 
Lisa Bauer

UNC Thomas S. Kenan III Graduate Fellowship
Alan Kuntz

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AAAI Fellow
Dinesh Manocha

DARPA Young Faculty Award
Mohit Bansal

Eurographics Fellow
Ming Lin

Google Research Award in Natural Language Processing 
Mohit Bansal

UNC-Chapel Hill Kenan Distinguished Professorship
Fabian Monrose


Goldwater Scholarship
Scott Emmons

UNC Graduate School Horizon Award
Joshua Welch

UNC University Award for the Advancement of Women
Kaylee Llewellyn

VGTC Virtual Reality Best Dissertation Award
Ravish Mehra

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National Consortium for Data Science (NCDS) Data Fellows
Shahriar Nirjon

National Security Agency’s 4th Annual Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper Competition
Michael Reiter

SIGSAC Outstanding Contributions Award
Michael Reiter

UNC Hettleman Prize
Tamara Berg


Gates Cambridge Scholarship 
Matthew Leming

Google Lime Scholarship 
Tia Holmes

Royster Student Scholarship Award
Nicolas Morales

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National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award 
Alex Berg

ACM SIGGRAPH Steven A. Coons Award
Henry Fuchs

UW CSE Alumni Achievement Award
Kevin Jeffay


UNC University Award for the Advancement of Women 
Maegan Clawges

Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award
Ravish Mehra

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Friday Center Excellence in Teaching Award
Tessa Nicholas

IEEE Fellow
Henry Fuchs

IEEE Fellow
Michael K. Reiter

TCRTS Outstanding Technical Achievement and Leadership Award 
Sanjoy Baruah

UNC Inventor of the Year Award
Dr. Russell M. Taylor II


UNC Information Technology Award
Murray Anderegg


Churchill Scholarship
Surojit “Surge” Biswas

Goldwater Scholarship
Matthew James Leming

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