Scientific Computing (COMP 116-001)

Course MTWRF 11:30-13:00, Bingham 317
Instructor Calvin Deutschbein
Office hours After class & by appointment

An introduction to programming for computationally oriented scientists.

Helpful Links

I have set up a Piazza to be used for this course.

Grades will be posted to Sakai.

Assignments will released and turned in through private repositorites on Bitbucket.

I recommend and will teach how to interface with Bitbucket using command line arguments. I would recommend using Git Bash utility to do so, especially on Windows.

The course will be taught using Python, specifically the most recent Python 3 version available at that link.

Windows users may wish to use Notepad++ to write Python (.py) files.

Mac users may wish to use Atom to write Python (.py) files.

I have made a Git usage tutorial on YouTube.