CSC 130 COMPUTER SCIENCE I Spring 2020 Elon University

Course CSC 130 A (MWF 8:00-9:10) and CSC 130 B (MWF 9:25-10:35), Duke 303
Instructor Calvin Deutschbein
Office hours After class & by appointment

An introduction to known styles of thinking used to solve defined problems using programming as a teaching tool.

Helpful Links

I have set up a Piazza to be used for this course.

Assignments will released and turned in through private repositorites on Bitbucket.

Grades will be return in via BitBucket and submitted to OnTrack and the middle and end of the semester..

I recommend and will teach how to interface with Bitbucket using command line arguments. If you work on a Windows system, I would recommend using Git Bash utility to do so.

The course will be taught using Java, specifically whichever Java version we have on the class computers.

I have made a Git usage tutorial on YouTube. It was made a previous course taught in Python and will be updated if needed.